Olivet Nazarene University

09/05/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/06/2024 09:45

ONU Cybersecurity Earns Recognition From NSA

Olivet's Cybersecurity program achieved a major milestone this month by earning the prestigious National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity Defense designation. This recognition, awarded by the National Security Agency (NSA), is a mark of excellence that places the program among an elite group of educational institutions. According to Dr. Jeffrey Rice, Director of Cybersecurity and Computer Science, the journey to this certification has been a challenging but rewarding process that will greatly benefit students, faculty, and the university as a whole.

The designation is not simply a badge of honor; it is a rigorous certification that less than 500 schools across the nation have earned. "It proves that the cybersecurity program meets the extremely intensive requirements set by the NSA," said Dr. Rice. "It's not just about our department being recognized; this is a university-wide designation. It reflects not only our curriculum but also the IT department's practices and the integration of cybersecurity principles across other programs."

Dale Hathaway, Associate Dean of the Martin D. Walker School of Engineering, praised Dr. Rice's leadership in achieving this designation, stating, "Certification is a validation of the high standards in the Cybersecurity program and it provides extra recognition to those associated with the program, both faculty and students," explains Hathaway. "Dr. Jeffrey Rice has been the catalyst, leader, and cheerleader for this designation, and it is through his hard work that this certification has become a reality. I am proud of his efforts in this process! For our students, this provides a variety of additional opportunities through a digital career fair and cybersecurity competitions."

Prestigious Designation and Cybersecurity Scholarships

For students enrolled in the cybersecurity program, this designation offers a significant advantage. As Dr. Rice explained, "Their transcripts will have a notation indicating that they graduated from an NSA-recognized Center of Academic Excellence. Certain employers specifically seek graduates from these designated universities." This additional credential can be a deciding factor for employers looking for top-tier candidates to fill cybersecurity roles.

Moreover, the designation will pave the way for future scholarships. "While we need to go through another application process in the spring to accept these scholarships, this could provide additional financial support for our students," Rice noted. In addition to scholarships, the program's new status opens the door to exclusive events, such as cybersecurity seminars and government-related job fairs. These events provide students with unique opportunities to network with industry professionals and explore career paths that are otherwise unavailable.

Growth of the Cybersecurity Program

Olivet's cybersecurity program began in 2018 as a concentration within the computer science major. However, due to high demand from both the job market and students, it quickly grew into a standalone major. "Within a year, 50% of our students had transitioned from your typical computer science programs into cybersecurity," Rice explained. With over 500,000 open cybersecurity jobs in the U.S., the program's growth has been swift and strategic. Today, the program is a significant draw for the university, reflecting its commitment to providing relevant and robust educational offerings.

Accelerated Job Placement for Cybersecurity Grads

Students majoring in cybersecurity are required to complete internships as part of their studies. The internship program has proven to be a strong steppingstone for students entering the field. One notable example is a student who completed an internship with the NSA and was offered a full-time position upon graduation. However, the student opted to stay closer to home and now works as a top security analyst at Riverside. Other students have found success with companies including Rockwell, Paramount, Uline, The Federal Bank in Chicago and BitLyft, a cybersecurity firm with which Olivet has a formal partnership.

Rice shared that some students have even managed to balance their senior year studies while working full-time at these companies. "It's tough, but they did it," he remarked, highlighting the dedication and resilience of the students.

To learn more about the Cybersecurity Major or Minor, click here.

Updated on 9/6/24

Seth Hurd

Seth Hurd ('06/'08 MOL/'12 M. Hist) is the founder of Manx Solutions. He lives in St. Louis, MO with his wife Amanda, and daughters Ava and Emery.