OPM - Office of Personnel Management

07/30/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/30/2024 11:53

Joint Message on National Whistleblower Appreciation Day Issued by the OPM Acting Director and OPM Inspector General

July 30th is Whistleblower Appreciation Day. This day serves as a reminder each year of the critical role whistleblowers play in promoting accountability and efficiency in the federal government. Federal employees and employees of contractors and grantees can serve as an important resource in identifying fraud, waste, and abuse.

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the OPM Office of the Inspector General (OIG) value the role that whistleblowers play in government oversight. We applaud the courageous employees who come forward to make disclosures.

At OPM, we strive to make sure whistleblowers feel safe to come forward, speak frankly, and do what is right without fear of retaliation or harassment. The OPM OIG maintains a hotline to receive whistleblower complaints pertaining to fraud, waste, and abuse. OPM employees and employees of contractors and grantees may submit a hotline complaint or reach out by phone at (877) 499-7295. They may also contact the OPM OIG Whistleblower Protection Coordinator for general information about their rights under the whistleblower protection laws at [email protected]. Whistleblowers can choose to remain anonymous when reporting to the OIG.

Federal employees may also choose to contact the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) to disclose fraud, waste, and abuse. For more information on whistleblower protection rights, please visit OSCʼs website.

Thank you,

Acting Director Rob Shriver
Inspector General Krista A. Boyd