PT Matahari Department Store Tbk

04/15/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/15/2023 07:41

Release of 1,000 Participants of 'Mudik Bersama Matahari'

Release of 1,000 Participants of "Mudik Bersama Matahari"

15 April 2023
Corporate Communications

Matahari ("the Company"; stock code: "LPPF") sent 1,000 customers home in the "Mudik Bersama Matahari" program to 38 cities in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. Matahari provided 60 airplane tickets, 250 train tickets, and 690 bus tickets. These customers departed simultaneously from Wisma Aldiron Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 72, Pancoran Jakarta Selatan 12780 on the morning of Saturday, 15 April 2023.

Through this first-ever "Mudik Bersama Matahari" program, Matahari continues to uphold the value of "Giving Back" to the community. Matahari wants to share kindness and happiness in this year's Eid season so that Matahari's loyal customers can gather and celebrate Eid with their beloved families in their hometowns.

The sending off of the homecoming participants was carried out symbolically by Terry O'Connor, CEO of Matahari. "We are pleased to be able to spread kindness and happiness to our loyal customers. This Lebaran period is an extraordinary moment, and Matahari wants to take part in this special moment. We hope that the homecoming participants can stay safe and feel comfortable during the trip so that they can arrive safe and sound, and celebrate the happy moments of Ramadhan with their families," said Terry.

To ensure the security and safety of homecoming participants, Matahari collaborates with the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya to provide safety briefings during the homecoming event.

In addition to releasing homecoming participants, Matahari also conducted Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. The donation was symbolically handed to the Wallet for Orphans and Dhuafa (DOMYADHU) Foundation.

The "Mudik Bersama Matahari" program has received good response from our loyal customers, with the added support of sponsors, Disney Indonesia and Pepsodent Kids, who have committed to support this program.