Woojin Inc.

07/08/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/07/2024 21:05

Decision on Calling Shareholders' Meeting

Decision on Calling Shareholders' Meeting
1. Type of shareholders' meeting Extraordinary meeting
2. Date and time of meeting 2024-07-29 09 : 00
3. Place of meeting 경기도 화성시 동탄역로24, ㈜우진 1층 회의실
4. Agenda and key issues 가. 보고사항

- 감사(감사위원회)보고

나. 부의안건

제1호 의안 : 감사위원회 위원이 되는 사외이사 강남규 선임의 건 (신규선임, 임기 3년)
5. Date of board resolution (decision date) 2024-07-08
- Attendance of outside directors Present(No.) 1
Absent(No.) 0
- Attendance of auditors (members of Audit Committee who are not outside directors) Present
6. Other matters to be factored into investment decisions
※ Related disclosure 2024-06-10 주주명부폐쇄기간 또는 기준일 설정
[Details of Outside Director Appointment]
Name Date of birth (year and month) Appointment term Type of appointment Professional experience (including present position) Name and position of the company where holding the role of directors and etc.
강남규 1975-06 3 Newly appointed 법무법인(유) 율촌 파트너변호사, 소속변호사 (2005~2011)

법무법인(유) 현 파트너변호사 (2011~2014)

법무법인(유) 세한 조세그룹 파트너변호사(2015~2016)

법무법인 가온 대표변호사 (2017~현재)

주택도시보증공사 고문변호사 (2020~현재)

기획재정부 고문변호사 (2022~현재)
[Details of Members of Audit Committee Appointment]
Name Date of birth (year and month) Appointment term Type of appointment Outside director Professional experience (including present position)
강남규 1975-06 3 Newly appointed Yes 법무법인(유) 율촌 파트너변호사, 소속변호사 (2005~2011)

법무법인(유) 현 파트너변호사 (2011~2014)

법무법인(유) 세한 조세그룹 파트너변호사(2015~2016)

법무법인 가온 대표변호사 (2017~현재)

주택도시보증공사 고문변호사 (2020~현재)

기획재정부 고문변호사 (2022~현재)