Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, KS

12/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/11/2024 11:38

Community Center to temporarily close for upgrades

Community Center to temporarily close for upgrades

Published on December 11, 2024

Beatrice Lee Community Center will be temporarily closed from December 14th through January 3rd for essential HVAC repairs and window replacements made possible through ARPA funding. These improvements are a part of the Parks and Recreations Departments commitment to maintaining facilities and enhancing the quality of life for our residents.

While the center is closed for repairs, it will not be available as a warming site. However, all other designated Parks and Recreation warming sites will remain open and accessible to the public. Signage will be posted at Beatrice Lee to inform community members of the closure and directing them the additional warming sites and community centers (Armourdale, Kensington, and Joe Amayo Argentine).

The Parks and Recreation Department is dedicated to providing the best possible facilities and services for our residents and are confident that these improvements will enhance the experience for visitors.

Media Inquiries

Krystal R. McFeders

Public Information Officer | Strategic Communications

Unified Government, Wyandotte County & Kansas City, KS

913-573-5565 (office)

913-231-9846 (cell)

[email protected]

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