University of Arkansas

07/01/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/02/2024 07:19

Fayetteville Policies and Procedures: Policy Update


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The following Fayetteville Policies and Procedures have been updated:

FPP 302.1 Non-University Owned Aircraft

This policy outlines the guidelines for use of non-university owned aircraft for official business travel, which include updates to requirements for aircraft type, pilot experience and insurance coverage. The university chief pilot is the designated approver for non-owned aircraft made available for official university travel.

FPP 304.0 Bank Account and Other Financial Institution Signature Authorization

Updated policy delineating campus officials authorized to direct banking transactions and establishing bank accounts on behalf of the university, and governing signature authority on university-owned bank account.

FPP 315.0 Investments- Donated Stock and Other Marketable Securities

Updated policy governing the acceptance and processing of the donation of stock and other marketable securities to the university.

FPP 505.0 Registration: Withholding of Registration Privileges, Transcripts and Diplomas (HOLDS)

The policy is being revised due to US Department of Education regulations going into effect on July 1 surrounding the withholding of transcripts for past-due financial obligations.

FPP 733.0 Vehicle Identification Policy

With the increasing number of different types of vehicles being utilized by university personnel in the execution of our mission, University Police, Transit and Parking and Facilities Management developed the campus Vehicle Identification Policy. This new policy will assist the university in identifying who is operating vehicles on campus, allow us to better track and hold accountable vehicle operators and to help to ensure a safer campus for all.

All policies may be viewed on the web at Fayetteville Policies and Procedures.