Lisa Murkowski

03/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/13/2024 09:23

Murkowski Announces Big Wins for Alaska in Six-Bill Appropriations Package


Murkowski Announces Big Wins for Alaska in Six-Bill Appropriations Package

Washington, DC - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), a senior member of the Appropriations Committee and Ranking Member of the Interior-Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, today announced big wins for Alaska within H.R. 4366, the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2024. The measure combines six of Congress' 12 funding bills for Fiscal Year (2024) and passed the Senate on Friday evening through a bipartisan vote of 75-22.

"After months of unnecessary delay, Congress has finally taken a big step by passing six of our 12 appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2024 on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis. Considering the vast size of our state and limited infrastructure, the significant investments I have included in these measures are well-justified and much-needed," Murkowski said. "From programmatic wins to congressionally directed spending projects, the funding I have secured is the direct result of working together with Alaskans from across the state to address the needs of their communities. This package invests in our military while enabling us respond to workforce shortages, food insecurity, clean drinking water needs, the housing crunch, the high cost of energy, crises in our fisheries, and more."

As the Ranking Member of the Interior-Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Murkowski ensured direct investment for a number of projects vital to Alaska's communities.

"Basic needs are non-negotiable, and this legislation directs funding to projects that will help Alaskans meet those needs, from clean public drinking water to wastewater collection," Murkowski said. "I also worked hard to ensure that the Payment in Lieu of Taxes program is fully funded in this year's Interior bill. PILT funds local government services, including firefighting and police protection, and the construction of public schools and roads. I'm proud that Alaska's local governments can continue to depend on PILT as they make their plans for the upcoming year."

Both she and Rep. Mary Peltola (D-AK) worked with partners across Alaska to secure CDS funding for a wide range of local, community-driven priorities, as highlighted below.

Highlights for Alaska

Investing in Infrastructure

Murkowski included significant funding for infrastructure projects that will help build out and modernize roads, bridges, ports, and airport projects across Alaska. This includes $345 million for transportation infrastructure through the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant program, $18 million for the Denali Commission's waterfront and surface transportation program (Denali Access Program), and protecting funding for the Essential Air Service for essential air routes in the state from being cut.

Murkowski also secured­ the following CDS requests to strengthen infrastructure and provide investments to projects in rural communities in the bill:

  • Hooper Bay: $5 million for the Native Village of Hooper Bay to construct a road and barge landing.
  • Ketchikan: $1.8 million for the Ketchikan Gateway Borough to make airport improvements.
  • Whittier: $3 million for the Alaska Department of Transportation to help construct the Shotgun Cove Road.
  • Kodiak: $2.5 million for the Alaska Department of Transportation to fund the Anton Larsen Bay Road project.
  • Anchorage: $2 million for the Alaska Railroad Corporation to fund avalanche mitigation activities.
  • Anchorage: $5 million for the Port of Alaska, Anchorage to fund construction activities for an Intermodal Freight Transfer Facility.
  • Anchorage: $1.75 million for the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility to replace failing private wells with reliable public water service.
  • Anchorage: $5.3 million for the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility for public drinking water access.
  • Anchorage: $1.197 million for the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility to construct a regional water pipeline to improve emergency and fire protection water transmission and supply.
  • Kake: $3.61 million for a project that will provide remediation for a highly contaminated former school building in Kake by removing building debris and contaminated soil.
  • Angoon: $3 million to improve Angoon's community landfill and waste management system, including the storage and transportation of solid waste.
  • Gustavus: $3.02 million to construct a new main building for the Gustavus Disposal & Recycling Center.
  • Pelican: $4 million to make improvements to Pelican's septic tank and disposal system.
  • Craig: $3 million to engineer and redesign the water system with targeted upgrades to improve capacity, efficiency, and resiliency of water treatment for the City of Craig.
  • Wrangell: $2.5 million to replace the community's aged and inefficient water treatment plant with a new facility to provide safer drinking water as well as better accommodate community changes in demand for water.
  • Ketchikan: $1.5 million to eliminate failing sewer mains from throughout Forest Park Drive in order to reduce infiltration and inflow and eliminate mains with deformation and bellies that cause grease build-up and backup.
  • Haines: $2 million for water and sewer upgrades for the Haines Borough's new community facility.
  • Whittier: $5 million to perform a partial building assessment and remediate the contamination in the Buckner Building of Whittier-where there is a significant concern regarding the building's high level of asbestos, lead, PCBs, and petroleum contamination.
  • Mat-Su Borough: $5.1 million to replace critical water lines in South Talkeetna.
  • Girdwood: $300,000 to the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility to replace a failing private water service with safe and reliable public water service in Girdwood.
  • Fairbanks: $1.5 million to protect public health and the environment by utilizing a biosolids treatment unit.
  • Denali Borough: $640,000 for pedestrian pathways from Crabbies Crossing to the Denali Park Entrance to enhance safety for the residents adjacent to Denali National Park.
  • Kiana: $500,000 to update 50-year-old lines, pumps, manholes, and other needed infrastructure in Kiana's water and sewer system.
  • Bethel: $5.01 million for a project to remove the numerous derelict vessels found at Steamboat Slough to prevent public and environmental health risks.
  • Dillingham: $4.72 million to expand capacity and improve operations of Dillingham's landfill.
  • Aleutians East Borough: $6.71 million for the Denali Commission to address waste and contamination removal from small, isolated communities in Alaska, by outfitting a barge with waste removal, soil, and water treatment equipment.
  • Hooper Bay: $1.5 million for the Native Village of Hooper Bay for waste collection and landfill improvements.
  • Mekoryuk: $5.6 million to provide first time running water and wastewater collection.
  • Chefornak: $6.4 million to provide first time running water and wastewater collection.
  • St. George: $3.5 million for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to work on the St. George Harbor Improvement project.
  • Petersburg: $4.1 million for transportation improvements at Scow Bay Harbor.
  • Prince William Sound and Southeast: $14.43 million for the U.S. Geological Survey's Hazards Program to support the ongoing landslide and tsunami warning work and landslide hazard assessments for the region.
  • Juneau: $500,000 for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to conduct a General Investigation study to replace the Juneau Auke Bay Wave Attenuator.
  • Statewide: $4 million for the Alaska Municipal League for heavy equipment to support rural maintenance needs.

Strengthening Alaska's Military

Murkowski is dedicated to supporting Alaska's active duty servicemembers, veterans, their families, and the military's mission in our state. Between programmatic and CDS requests, Alaska will see $273.2 million in funding for military construction projects.

One of the central programmatic wins that Murkowski secured for Alaska's military was $107.5 million for the runway expansion at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, enhancing global mobility of military aircrafts and increasing America's air dominance.

Murkowski also ensured funding for mental health, women's veteran healthcare, and increased rural telehealth access would be part of this package. She secured the following CDS allocations to support Alaska's military infrastructure, bolstering capabilities while enhancing base infrastructure:

  • Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson: $7 million for the ADAL Alert Crew Facility Hangar 18.
  • Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson: $6.1 million for a Precision Guided Munitions (PGM) Complex.
  • Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson: $2 million for a HC-130J Simulator Facility.
  • Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson: $18.1 million for a JBER Combat Alert Cell.
  • Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson: $8.8 million for a sand storage facility.
  • Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson: $5.6 million for the North Campus Electrical Loop.
  • Fort Wainwright: $7.9 million for a Soldier Performance Readiness Center (SPRC).
  • Eielson Air Force Base: $25 million for an Air Guard AMC Standard Dual Bay Hangar.
  • Eielson Air Force Base: $13.5 million for the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex (JPARC) Ops Facility.
  • Eielson Air Force Base: $1.7 million for the Eielson Fire Station.
  • Eielson Air Force Base: $9.5 million for a Permanent Party dormitory.
  • Eielson Air Force Base: $3 million for the Eielson Joint Mobility Center Expansion.
  • Eielson Air Force Base: $6.9 million for a cryogenics facility.
  • Eielson Air Force Base: $1.5 million for a coal thaw shed addition.
  • Eielson Air Force Base: $15.1 million for the Eielson Consolidated Munitions Complex.

Expanding Housing, Childcare, and Community Development Access

Murkowski listened to the needs of Alaskans and worked to bring home funding for housing and childcare facilities in the state. She also focused on protecting Alaska's diverse history and landmarks-from the Iditarod Trail to Native languages, Murkowski is working to ensure future generations have access to our state's rich history.

Murkowski is also delivering critically-needed housing and childcare opportunities for communities across Alaska through the following CDS projects, which range from improving access to housing for elders in rural communities to establishing housing for public safety officials and renovating and building childcare facilities:

  • Statewide: $3.3 million for the Alaska Department of Public Safety to establish rural public safety housing.
  • Togiak: $3.43 million for the Bristol Bay Housing Authority to provide housing for foster care families.
  • North Pole: $2.5 million for the City of North Pole to support utility lines for affordable housing.
  • Valdez: $3 million for the City of Valdez to renovate a childcare building.
  • Anchorage: $4 million for the Cook Inlet Housing Authority to construct affordable elder housing.
  • Gakona: $2.06 million for the Copper Valley Development Association to build a secure facility for victims and itinerant professionals.
  • Fairbanks: $1 million for Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services to rehabilitate rental units.
  • Craig: $373,000 for Helping Ourselves Prevent Emergencies (HOPE) to remodel the HOPE office and housing units.
  • Utqiagvik: $2 million for the Arctic Slope Native Association to complete an 18-unit building for medical staff.
  • Juneau: $2 million for the Juneau Housing First Collaborative for the Glory Hall//Forget-Me-Not-Manor.
  • Sitka: $2.17 million for the Sitka Community Development Corporation to build an apartment complex.
  • Kokhanok, Nondalton, and McGrath: $2 million for the Southcentral Foundation to construct rural health care workforce housing.
  • Yakutat: $2.016 million for the Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority to modernize affordable housing.
  • Fairbanks: $5.6 million for the University of Alaska System to build a childcare facility.
  • Fairbanks: $1.5 million for the University of Alaska System to create the Troth Yeddha' indigenous studies center.
  • Talkeetna: $5 million for the Upper Susitna Seniors to expand the Upper Susitna Senior Center.
  • Bethel: $3 million for the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation to construct employee housing.
  • Anchorage: $1.5 million for the Mountain View Community Resource Center.
  • Anchorage: $1 million for the Anchorage Community Land Trust to construct a shared commercial kitchen facility.
  • Anchorage: $631,000 for the Alaska Native Heritage Center for Lach'qu Sukdu Research Program.
  • Talkeetna: $500,000 for the Talkeetna Historical Society for rehabilitation and support efforts to preserve history for future generations.
  • Fairbanks: $500,000 for repairs of the SS Nenana, the last remaining sternwheeler in Alaska. The SS Nenana is on the National Register of Historic Places and a National Historic Landmark.
  • Unalaska: $210,000 to prevent the further loss of Native languages by providing the opportunity for Tribes to receive funding to document and revitalize languages that are at risk of disappearing because of a declining native-speaker population.

Cleaner and More Affordable Energy

As a leading voice on energy, Murkowski continues to provide crucial support to advance Alaska projects and make our state's energy cleaner and more affordable. In this package she provided support for tidal energy projects, secured funding for critical mineral activities, and provided for the Arctic Energy Office to support projects in rural communities and throughout the Arctic.

Between this appropriations bill and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Murkowski has provided tens of millions in funding for small modular and microreactors, which will begin deployment over the next several years.

Murkowski also secured the following CDS requests to support energy projects across Alaska:

  • Kenai Peninsula Borough: $2.74 million for the Kenai Peninsula Borough to collect methane gas while increasing energy efficiency and analyze the feasibility of the technology in small communities.
  • Metlakatla: $166,000 for the Metlakatla Indian Community for a study to evaluate and mitigate impacts from rising sea levels on hydropower systems at Purple Lake.
  • Sitka: $514,000 for the Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association to research and identify decarbonization and clean energy transition options for vessel owners and shoreside businesses.
  • Kotzebue: $3 million for the Kotzebue Electric Association to deploy energy storage for resiliency and enable grid formation in an isolated microgrid.
  • Ahtna Region: $998,000 for the Ahtna Intertribal Resource Commission for a project that will identify and prioritize critical minerals on abandoned mines and material sites conveyed to Ahtna as an operation of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

Strengthening Alaska Fisheries and Oceans Research

Alaska's oceans and fisheries are the heartbeat of communities across the state-and that's why Murkowski worked hard to include provisions throughout the appropriations package that will strengthen our blue economy, support coastal communities, promote electronic monitoring development and installation, and enhance research abilities to create healthier fisheries.

Murkowski helped secure more than $205 million for Fisheries Data Collections, Surveys, and Assessments; $44 million for Regional Fishery Management Councils and Fisheries Commissions; and $65 million for the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund.

She also secured the following CDS requests to strengthen Alaska's fisheries and oceans research abilities:

  • Statewide: $4 million for the Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation to conduct research on Bristol Bay red king crab enhancement, including optimum rearing conditions, habitat, growth, and survival through rearing stages and post release.
  • Statewide: $2.01 million for the Marine Exchange of Alaska to create a user guide to keep ships sailing safely in the Arctic.
  • Statewide: $1.2 million for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to fund coastal marine surveys that support sustainable salmon management in the northern Bering Sea, southern Bering Sea, and western Gulf of Alaska.
  • Statewide: $2.5 million for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to better equip their research vessels with necessary technology and upgrades.
  • Statewide: $4 million for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to fund juvenile Pacific salmon research.
  • Statewide: $2 million for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for research and equipment related to Alaska critical salmon stocks.
  • Statewide: $520,000 for the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association to train Fisheries Technicians to further develop their capabilities in salmon research, project implementation, and administration.
  • North Slope Borough: $1.5 million to support the North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management in estimating the abundance of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort stock of bowhead whales.
  • Statewide: $2.8 million for the University of Alaska System to research the impacts of environmental stressors on freshwater and marine aquatic life in Alaska.
  • Anchorage: $110,000 for the University of Alaska System to research alternative methods of energy consumption reduction in kelp and seaweed drying processes.
  • Annette Islands Reserve: $403,000 for the Metlakatla Indian Community for fish hatchery improvements.
  • Annette Islands Reserve: $1 million for the Metlakatla Indian Community to monitor, survey, and trap European green crab in Southeast Alaska.
  • Statewide: $1.07 million for the Inuit Circumpolar Council-Alaska to strengthen Alaskan Inuit engagement and ensure Indigenous Knowledge inclusion in the Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement.
  • Statewide: $1.7 million to the Ocean Conservancy to support a pilot program for backhaul of marine debris from multiple remote coastal communities in Alaska, likely including Dutch Harbor, St. George, St. Paul, Port Heiden, Nome, and Yakutat.
  • Anchorage: $239,000 for the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) to research the relationship between rock glaciers and downstream water quality through an interdisciplinary comparative field program.

Fighting Illegal Drug Use

As illegal drugs devastate families and communities throughout Alaska, Murkowski continues to fight for drug prevention efforts and support for those impacted by this terrible scourge. In addition to the recently enacted FEND Off Fentanyl Act, she has supported the Community Based Coalition Enhancement Grant Program, which will encourage community-led coalitions to raise awareness of fentanyl and prevent drug overdose deaths caused by the drug.

  • Statewide: Murkowski continues to support the Drug Free Communities program and the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program.
  • Statewide: Murkowski has pushed to ensure that medication assisted treatment is available and accessible to individuals with substance use disorder (SUD). The bill includes language to permanently require state Medicaid plans to cover medication-assisted treatment, and to allow treatment of SUD at institutions

Supporting Victim Services, Public Safety and Services Efforts, and Vulnerable Populations

Murkowski continues to focus on preventing domestic violence and sexual assault in Alaska and providing critical services for victims. From funding the Sexual Assault Services Program at $80 million, to advocating for increases to the Services for Rural Victims program-she is working to provide significant support for Alaskans who are at risk or in need. Murkowski is also dedicated to supporting survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault while investing in projects that work to stop the violence from occurring in the first place.

  • Statewide: $4 million for the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault to support victim services organizations.
  • Haines: $5 million for the Haines Borough to construct a safety and training center.
  • Anchorage: $380,000 for the Abused Women's Aid In Crisis (AWAIC) to make facility improvements.
  • Juneau: $98,000 for the non-profit organization, AWARE, for facility and safety improvements to continue providing safe shelter and supportive services for survivors of domestic or sexual violence.
  • Haines: $99,000 for the nonprofit Becky's Place for facility improvements to continue assisting women and children who have been subjected to domestic violence or sexual abuse.
  • Fairbanks: $1 million for the Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living to renovate a domestic violence shelter.
  • Girdwood: $1.5 million for the Challenge Alaska center to make capital improvements, including accessibility upgrades.
  • Ketchikan: $1.65 million for the SeaLevel Community Youth Center to establish a youth center.
  • Haines: $5 million for the Haines Community Safety and Training Center.
  • Anchorage: $400,000 for the Standing Together Against Rape (STAR) program to expand STAR's office.
  • Anchorage:$227,000 for the Anchorage Police Department for a Special Weapons and Tactics command response vehicle.
  • Fairbanks: $2.2 million for the Fairbanks Emergency Communication Center to upgrade the Alaska Land Mobile Radio system.
  • Soldotna: $110,000 for the Soldotna Police Department to supply emergency care equipment.
  • Northwest Arctic Borough: $2.6 million for the Northwest Arctic Borough Public Safety, Fire, and Rescue Facilities.
  • Craig: $4.1 million for the Craig Firehall and EMS Building Construction.
  • Juneau:?$2 million for the City and Borough of Juneau to upgrade their first responder radio communications system.

Wildfire Protection

In response to the growing threat of wildfires in Alaska, Murkowski helped ensure that wildland firefighter pay increases from the bipartisan infrastructure bill will continue and secured investments to maintain firefighter capacity. The CDS projects she secured to protect communities from wildfires include:

  • Anchorage: $3.75 million for the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility for a fire protection well in the Anchorage Terraces subdivision.
  • Statewide: $3.5 million for the Alaska Division of Forestry to provide funding to carry out fuels reduction projects that align with community wildfire protection plans.
  • Fairbanks: $3 million for the State of Alaska Division of Forestry and Fire Protection to replace Wildland Firefighter Response Facilities.

Aiding Alaskan Communities and Recreation

Many local governments in Alaska rely on PILT, which provides compensation for federal lands not subject to state or local taxation. Murkowski was able to help PILT receive full funding in her Interior-Environment bill. These funds help local governments provide vital services.

Additional programmatic wins include direction to the Bureau of Land Management to support the Alaska Long Trail as the project comes together, and prohibition that ensures EPA will not regulate lead in fishing tackles and ammunition.

Supporting Alaska Native Communities

One of Murkowski's major victories this year is a $1.1 billion increase for the Indian Housing Block Grant, a 41 percent increase compared to FY 2023. With Alaska receiving nearly 15 percent of the entire block grant, this means an estimated $165 million more for tribes and tribal housing authorities to build affordable housing to communities across the state.

Murkowski also secured:

  • $20 million for EPA's ANCSA Contaminated Lands grant program, which she established to remediate contaminated Alaska Native Land Allotments.
  • $31.7 million for BLM Alaska's Conveyance program, which provides for accelerated land conveyances in the state and the continued implementation of the Alaska Native Vietnam Veterans allotment program.
  • A 32 percent increase for Native American housing programs, bringing total funding to $1.34 billion.
  • Up to $7.5 million for the Tribal HUD Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) voucher program.
  • $150 million in new funding for the Tribal Transportation Program, in addition to amounts already appropriated via the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Highway Trust Fund, bringing total investment to $985 million for FY 2024.

Ensuring Access to Quality Health Care

Murkowski continues to fight for funding to increase access to health care. She has continued to support additional funding for the Community Health Centers and the National Health Service Corps, programs that provide critical care to Alaskans throughout the state.

This appropriations package also includes a boost in Medicare pay for doctors to address the additional strain that physicians saw when physician reimbursement was cut on January 1, ensuring our providers receive adequate reimbursement and that our Seniors continue to have access to their providers. Community Health Centers were reauthorized through 2024, with a much needed increase of $270 million in annual funding.

Bolstering Food Security

Murkowski worked with her colleagues to ensure support for Alaska's farmers and help them increase food security. Some of her top priorities were ensuring programmatic funding for essential programs for Alaska's food security, including a $1.03 billion increase for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and full funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Additional programmatic wins include a $204 million increase for the Summer Food Service Program, enabling children in low-income families to receive the nutrition they need when schools are closed.

Murkowski secured the following CDS request to support food security:

  • Fairbanks: $3.5 million for the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) to acquire a radiocarbon dating instrument and conduct research on identifying rare earth elements, volcano and earthquake activity, and mercury concentrations in food.

H.R. 4366 includes the annual funding bills from the Appropriations Subcommittees on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies; Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies; Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies; Energy and Water Development; Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies; and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies.
