UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

07/29/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/29/2024 10:53

UNESCO Participates in the Second China-New Zealand Vocational Education Forum

UNESCO Participates in the Second China-New Zealand Vocational Education Forum
On July 9 2024, the Second China-New Zealand Vocational Education Forum was inaugurated in Zhangye City, Gansu Province.
Participants at the Second China-New Zealand Vocational Education Forum © Zhangye City
Participants at the Second China-New Zealand Vocational Education Forum © Zhangye City
29 July 2024
On July 9, 2024, the Second China-New Zealand Vocational Education Forum, themed "Digitalization Empowering Vocational Education: Modern 'Craftsmanship' Empowering Modern Industry," was inaugurated in Zhangye City, Gansu Province. The forum is hosted within the framework of TVET modernization in China, sustainable development, and rural transformation and poverty alleviation. The forum was held under the supervision of the Department of International and Exchanges of Ministry of Education, with support from China Center for International People-to-People Exchange of Ministry of Education. It is organized by Gansu Provincial Department of Education and the Zhangye Municipal People's Government and hosted by Bailie Vocational College and Shandan Bailie School of Gansu Province, along with other relevant key national TVET institutions in China. Over 200 participants including government representatives, experts, scholars, and leaders from the education and TVET sectors from China, New Zealand, and Pakistan attended the forum.
The main purpose of the second China-New Zealand forum was to discuss the past achievements, challenges, future directions and assessing strategic cooperation between China-New Zealand in TVET and skills with a sharper focus on TVET institutions in Gansu province.
The Bailie Vocational College was established in 1942 by the New Zealand educator Rewi Alley. The success story of Mr. Alley who established the Bailie Vocational college had significantly contributed to skills development in Gansu Province that laid the strong foundation for poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. The foundation laid by Mr. Alley had contributed significantly in fostering closer cooperation between China and New Zealand. The Bailie Vocational college historically contributed significant towards empowering of youth in skills development for several decades in-terms of poverty alleviation and rural sustainable development in Gansu Province, and fostered closer collaboration between TVET Institutions in New Zealand and China. Mr. Chris Lipscombe, Chairman of the New Zealand and China Friendship Society, in opening remarks has highlighted the significant achievements of Mr. Alley that had contributed to the solid bi-lateral cooperation between China and New Zealand in trade, commerce, education and cultural exchanges between the peoples of the two countries.
Students at Bailie Vocational College © Bailie Vocational College
Students at Bailie Vocational College © Bailie Vocational College
The keynote speakers at the forum included Mr. Zeng Huahui, Deputy Director of Gansu Provincial Department of Education, Mr. Li Zhi, Deputy Director of the Department of Vocational and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education, Mr. Chen Dali, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education, Mr. Yu Changxue, Director of the China Center for International People-to-People Exchange of the Ministry of Education, Mr. Ye Su, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of China in New Zealand, Mr. Grahame Morton, Ambassador of New Zealand to China, and Mr. Chris Lipscombe, Chairman of the New Zealand and China Friendship Society, who all delivered opening speeches to strengthen bi-lateral cooperation between China and New Zealand.
The Second China-New Zealand Vocational Education Forum © Zhangye City
The Second China-New Zealand Vocational Education Forum © Zhangye City
At the invitation of the UNESCO Chair in TVET Digitalization, Shenzhen Polytechnic University, Mr. Robert Parua, Education Specialist at the UNESCO Beijing Office, was requested to deliver a keynote presentation about UNESCO's TVET global strategy, strategic partnerships and UNEVOC knowledge network including the Chinese UNEVOC centers and the Chinese Ministry of Education. The UNESCO global TVET Strategy (2022-2029) focuses on three main lines of action, including (1) develop skills for all individuals to learn, work and live, (2) develop skills for inclusive and sustainable economies, and (3) develop skills for inclusive and peaceful societies. He stressed on the UNESCO Global Strategy key pillars to guide member states to transform TVET at all levels in response to meeting the global challenges such as transition to green and digital skills aligned with the demands of the green and digital economies. He urged the participants to engage cooperation using the existing UNESCO platforms such as UNEVOC network and UNESCO Chairs UNITWIN platforms.
Mr. Parua delivered a keynote presentation © Zhangye City
Mr. Parua delivered a keynote presentation © Zhangye City
Mr. Parua highlighted the Bailie and Gansu cooperation with the support of Chinese and New Zealand education Ministries was an excellent model for many countries to improve quality of TVET programmes through enhanced bi-lateral cooperation in capacity building, exchange, and knowledge sharing. This cooperation had clearly demonstrated the focus on quality and accessibility of TVET to meet evolving societal and knowledge economy.
Mr. Parua met with other participants at the forum © Robert Parua
Mr. Parua met with other participants at the forum © Robert Parua
Professor Yang Wenming, Coordinator of UNESCO Chair on Digitalization in TVET highlighted during his keynote address highlighted the key digital transformation solutions and practices to transform TVET in China and global trends. He emphasized the integration of digital tools and resources in TVET programmes and curricula, which has empowered educators and learners, enabling them to adapt to the rapidly changing demands of the modern workforce.
Additionally, the event attracted participation from representatives of the Ministry of Education, local government leaders, TVET institution representatives, and education experts from China and New Zealand. They underscored the need for continuous partnership to improve TVET quality and accessibility, contributing to regional development and mutual understanding between China and New Zealand.
Representatives delivered opening remarks and keynote speeches © Zhangye City
Representatives delivered opening remarks and keynote speeches © Zhangye City
The major outcome of the second forum was the identification and adoption of key recommendations and action plan to further strengthen and boost the bi-lateral cooperation between China and New Zealand in further improving the quality of TVET and TVET digitalization at institutional level in both countries. The experts from New Zealand, China, and Pakistan made excellent presentations aligned with the theme of the forum and held very lively and productive discussions to enhance TVET quality and accessibility, promoting innovation, and fostering international partnerships in the development of quality TVET provision, access, equity, inclusion and contributing to sustainable development. The participants at the forum reaffirmed total commitment to focus in TVET digitalization and skills development as a key driver for economic and social progress in Gansu and the two countries.