Dairyland Power Cooperative

11/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/14/2024 01:37

Power of Education: Dairyland Supports Southwest WI Technical College Scholarship

Dairyland Area Supervisor - Transmission Maintenance Jason Hovey attended the Southwest Wisconsin Technical College (SWTC) Scholarship Reception (Fennimore, Wis.) on Nov. 12 in support of an SWTC student who is benefitting from a Dairyland scholarship.

The $1,000 scholarship provides support for one student annually. Dairyland committed to the recurring scholarship beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year.

The student recipient for this year, Owen Callahan, is enrolled in the Electrical Power Distribution program at SWTC. Owen (pictured with Hovey) is from Mount Hope, Wis.

Sponsorships and contributions help Dairyland fulfill its Mission to improve the quality of life for cooperative members. To do so, Dairyland's Contributions Committee manages a budget of charitable funds to be donated throughout the year.

As a wholesale power supplier in four states, Dairyland spreads its support over a large umbrella of community events, charitable projects and education, environmental stewardship or emergency crisis donations throughout the entire service territory (and areas in which Dairyland employees live).