Delegation of the European Union to Georgia

09/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 02:10

Four new projects for Ukrainian youth organisations under EU-funded Erasmus+ Programme

Kyiv, 24 September 2024

Four new projects involving 5 partners from Ukrainehave been selectedfor funding under the European Union Erasmus+ Programme for Capacity Building in the Field of Youth. In total, over €10 million have been allocated by the European Commission to the 37 projects selected in the 2024 call for proposals.

Ukrainian organisations will benefit from the experience of European partners,and developtheir capacities for internationalisation. They willimplement best practicesin the field of Youth for building new Ukraine as EU Member State. The projects will also help to cope with the challenges during martial law.

Capacity Building in the Field of Youth projects' consortium included 4 NGOs and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine as coordinators and partners:

  • "Resonance", coordinator of "CivicArt - Capacity-Building for Art-Based Civic Education";
  • "Development Center Pangeya Ultima",coordinator of "Countryside Studio - Countryside studio - rural youth empowerment and heritage promotion";
  • "YOUTH. SCIENCE. SPORTS. HEALTHY MOVEMENT OF UKRAINE", coordinator of "DP5YOU - Digital Platform of Knowledge and Skills Development for Youth Working with Child Migrants and Refugees at European Level";
  • Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, partner of "DP5YOU - Digital Platform of Knowledge and Skills Development for Youth Working with Child Migrants and Refugees at European Level"
  • "Sohnut-Ukraine", partner of "ELI-TE - Educational Leadership Institute - Training Engagers"

Selected for funding projects will be implemented jointly with 13 partners from 8Counties: Georgia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Spain.

EU grants for such projects amount up to EUR 300,000 per projects for 3 years and cover international and local missions - travel and subsistence costs, staff cost, equipment costs and subcontracting as well as costs for dissemination of information, publishing or translation.

Additional information

Erasmus+ is the European Union Programme that aims to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond. It provides opportunities for learning mobility, projects and partnerships, policy development and cooperation. The Programme is inclusive for people of all ages and backgrounds andalmost 40 calls for proposals are open to different types of organisations from Ukraine.

For more details on the Erasmus+ Programme please visit the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine websiteand Facebook page.