LeadingAge Texas

24/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 25/07/2024 13:47

LeadingAge Testifies to Congress on the Need for More Housing Resources

July 24, 2024

LeadingAge Testifies to Congress on the Need for More Housing Resources

Home» LeadingAge Testifies to Congress on the Need for More Housing Resources

BY Juliana Bilowich


Asked by lawmakers if more federal subsidy would be beneficial for affordable senior housing, Couch said: "Bring it. We are ready."

Linda Couch, LeadingAge's senior vice president of policy and advocacy, testified before Congress today on the need for more affordable housing supply as one of four witnesses called by the Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance to speak at "Housing Solutions: Cutting Through Government Red Tape. "

Lawmakers asked questions that explored the impact of key federal regulations on housing supply and development, including environmental and accessibility requirements. The other witnesses represented the National Home Builders Association, the National Multifamily Housing Council (also representing the National Apartment Association), and Compton Jones and Dresher LLP, an affordable housing-focused law firm.

In her testimony, Couch stated: "For more and more older adults, the lack of affordable housing, and the reality of losing stable housing, results in homelessness. In fact, older adult homelessness is the fastest growing type of homelessness in America today…" Couch went on to provide examples of years-long waitlists at many affordable senior housing communities, and stated that "the United States must use every available tool to preserve and improve existing affordable housing … LeadingAge supports a swift and significant expansion of programs to expand the supply of affordable housing for all households, including older adult households."

Regarding breaking down barriers to affordable housing, Couch stated that affordable housing rules can be complicated, and that LeadingAge supports efforts-like the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) program, which provides funding to communities for planning and policy activities to allow for higher-density zoning and rezoning, streamlining affordable housing development, and reducing requirements related to parking and other land use restrictions.

Unlike recent hearings that veered into tense partisan disagreements, lawmakers were cordial and constructive throughout the subcommittee hearing (link to memorandum here). Full committee Chairman Warren Davidson (R-OH-08) focused heavily on environmental requirements that add time and cost to construction timelines. Ranking Member Maxine Waters (D-CA-43) asked pointed questions about the lack of accessibility throughout the housing stock, and other lawmakers addressed the need for a solution to property and liability insurance costs, as well as bringing down construction costs and addressing the racial wealth gap.

When asked if more federal subsidy would be beneficial for affordable senior housing, Couch said: "Bring it. We are ready."