Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria

05/07/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/07/2024 03:52

Library Seminar Cicle | Nature Map and the geography of habitats in Calabria -'Carta Natura e la geografia degli habitat in Calabria'

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Library Seminar Cicle | Nature Map and the geography of habitats in Calabria -"Carta Natura e la geografia degli habitat in Calabria"

he 2024 series of seminars promoted by the Agricultural Area Library of the Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria will be inaugurated on Thursday 9 May at 3.00 pm. A seminar will take place in the "F.S. Nesci" Seminar Room of the Department of Agriculture for the presentation of the volume: "Carta Natura e la geografia degli habitat in Calabria" recently published by the Calabria Region.

"Carta Natura" is the product of a research project, conducted within the POR 2014/2020, which involved, in addition to the Department of Environment and Territory, Parks and Protected Natural Areas Sector of the Region, also the Department of Agriculture of Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, the Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences of the University of Calabria and ISPRA (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research).

"Carta della Natura" is an instrument provided for by the "Legge quadro sulle aree protette" (L. n.394/91) which defines the fundamental principles for the establishment and management of protected natural areas and establishes the official list. Article 3 of this law provides for the creation of the Nature Charter as a tool to "know the state of the natural environment in Italy, highlighting the natural values and vulnerability profiles". With this publication, the Calabria Region fills a gap in knowledge which placed it among the few regions not to have a sufficiently detailed and articulated information base on the subject. In fact, 135,304 biotopes referring to 132 different types of habitat, some of which are rare and localized with high naturalistic value, are of primary interest in biodiversity conservation strategies. Each habitat is described with an analytical sheet which highlights the correspondences with other habitat classification systems, the main statistical distribution data, the abiotic and biotic characteristics, the guide species for the purposes of its recognition, the critical issues and impacts that concern the habitat.

The work is completed by the analysis of "Ecological Value", understood as the naturalistic value of a biotope, and of "Environmental Fragility" which represents the state of vulnerability of the territory from the point of view of the conservation of the natural environment

The work is accompanied by a 1:250,000 scale map which shows the distribution of the habitats in the Calabria region and an electronic key containing all the documents in PDF format and the shp files of the map.

At the Seminar, after the greetings of the Rector, Giuseppe Zimbalatti, and the Director of the Department, Giovanni Enrico Agosteo, the managers who coordinated the project and wrote the monograph will speak:

Giovanni Aramini (Manager of the Parks Sector, Department of Environment and Territory, Calabria Region): Nature Map: a new tool for preserving biodiversity
Liliana Bernardo (Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences - University of Calabria): The contribution of Carta della Natura to the implementation of botanical knowledge of Calabria
Rosanna Augello (ISPRA - Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research): Nature Map: a tool for understanding the value and vulnerability of the territory
Giovanni Spampinato (Department of Agriculture - Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria): The habitats of Carta Natura in environmental assessments

The work will be coordinated by Salvatore Di Fazio, Delegate for Library Services of the Agriculture Department. The initiative participates in the national campaign "Il Maggio dei libri 2024". Those who request it may be issued a certificate of participation useful for obtaining CFU / CFP, subject to recognition by the teaching structures and competent professional bodies.