OOD - Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

07/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/26/2024 06:08

The ADA's 34th Anniversary and Ohio's Commitment

Celebrating Landmark Legislation Empowering Americans with Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) turns 34 today, July 26, 2024, marking a significant milestone in civil rights history. This landmark legislation, signed into law in 1990, continues to protect and empower individuals with disabilities across the United States.


To commemorate this important anniversary:

  • Celebrate: Embrace #DisabilityPride by sharing your experiences and achievements on social media

  • Learn: Explore the rich history and ongoing impact of the ADA through Accessible Ohio resources

  • Share: Use the hashtag #ThanksToTheADA to highlight how this legislation has positively affected your life or the lives of others


In Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted have officially proclaimed the state's commitment to upholding the principles of the ADA, reinforcing its importance in fostering equality and accessibility. They make the following proclamation "In the Name and by the Authority of The State of Ohio":

WHEREAS, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990, to ensure the civil rights and equal opportunity for people with disabilities; and

WHEREAS, this year marks the 34th anniversary of the ADA; and

WHEREAS, the ADA has been instrumental in protecting people with disabilities in many areas of everyday life; and

WHEREAS, as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Mike De Wine had the honor of voting for this critical legislation; and

WHEREAS, about 42 million Americans have a disability, including more than 1.6 million Ohioans; and

WHEREAS, the ADA has expanded opportunities for Americans with disabilities by changing perceptions and increasing full participation in community life; and

WHEREAS, one of Mike De Wine's first acts as Governor was to sign an executive order establishing Ohio as a Disability Inclusion State and Model Employer of Individuals with Disabilities; and

WHEREAS, Ohio is now implementing the FY 24-25 state operating budget signed by Governor DeWine and supported by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities includes accessibility efforts; and

WHEREAS, that budget invested the most funds in the nation for universal changing tables in public places, reserves a seat on county boards of developmental disabilities for people who receive services, and launched Accessible Ohio which creates the first-ever coordinated effort in Ohio to support cities, counties, state agencies, attractions, and venues to be accessible and inclusive; and

NOW, THEREFORE, We, Mike DeWine and Jon Husted, Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the State of Ohio, do hereby recognize the


on this 24th day of July 2024.

Mike DeWine Jon Husted

Governor Lieutenant Governor


As we reflect on 34 years of progress, let's continue to advocate for inclusivity and equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of ability. The ADA's anniversary reminds us how far we've come and the work that still lies ahead in creating a truly accessible society.