Yeti Holdings Inc.

09/05/2024 | Press release | Archived content

ESG (YETI%5FGoals%5FESG%5FReport%5F2024%5FFinal)


The following tables summarize progress toward our People, Product, and Places goals and commitments. Additional information and examples of our progress may be found throughout this report. We are committed to regularly communicating our impact and ESG strategy in a transparent and standardized manner.

PEOPLE YETI aims to create positive social impact for the people in our workforce, supply chain, and communities.


Maintain gender pay equity across all levels annually
We maintained our commitment to pay equity in 2023. We recorded no disparate impact in compensation for all U.S.-based employees in the same job family based on gender,
race and ethnicity, and age.
Increase gender diversity at leadership levels by 2030
Gender diversity at leadership levels (employees that hold the title of Director or above) decreased from our October 2020 baseline of 41% to 30% as of December 2023.
We will continue our robust sourcing strategies and retention initiatives.
Increase racial and ethnic diversity at all levels by 2030
The racial and ethnic diversity of our U.S.-based employees at leadership levels and below the Director level has increased to 17% and 35%, respectively, compared to our 2020
baselines of 14% and 32%.

Increase the gender diversity of Ambassadors by 2030

Increase the racial and ethnic diversity of Ambassadors by 2030 Increase international Ambassadors by 2030

25% of YETI Ambassadors were female, compared to 23% in 2022.

15% identified as a race or ethnicity other than white, compared to 13% in 2022. 25% were international, compared to 21% in 2022.

100% of YETI's sourcing will come from Tier 1 and 2 suppliers who meet our responsible sourcing expectations by 2025

Our Supplier Code of Conduct is embedded within all supplier agreements to ensure suppliers agree to and uphold our responsible sourcing expectations. We offer translated versions in nine languages. Annual updates are distributed to all Tier 1 suppliers and posted the Impact Through the Supply Chain section for more.

100% of Tier 1 and 2 suppliers will have worker wellbeing or fair wage programs in place by 2030

We completed a comprehensive market assessment in 2023 to understand best practices for calculating living wage and inform our role in promoting living wage within our supply chain.

PRODUCT YETI is expanding on our commitment to high-performing, durable, and built for the wild products through a continued focus on material impact, longevity, and waste reduction.



Reduce our Scope 1 & 2 emissions 50% by 2030 compared to a 2020 baseline1

As of 2023, we have reduced our absolute Scope 1 & 2 emissions 62% from a 2020 baseline.

Reduce our Scope 3 emissions 27% by 2030 compared to a 2020 baseline1
We have made progress in several Scope 3 categories, but our aggregate absolute Scope 3 emissions have increased due to improved measurement methodologies and data
collection practices. In YETI's case, these increases were also the result of planned organic business growth. See the Carbon Footprint section for more.
Source 100% renewable electricity in our U.S. operations by 20222
Through our participation in Austin Energy's GreenChoice program, 100% of our Austin headquarters electricity usage came from renewable sources and we are purchasing
high-quality, verified renewable energy certificates (RECs) for the remaining electricity usage in our globally owned and operated facilities.
Increase use of preferred materials year over year
In 2023, certified recycled materials made up approximately 1% (by weight) of our purchased materials. Read more in the Preferred Materials section.
100% of YETI packaging will be recyclable or reusable by 2025
In 2023, 90% of our packaging was recyclable (by weight). See the Preferred Packaging section for more.

Increase post-consumer recycled (PCR) and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified content in our packaging by 2025

55% of our packaging (by weight) was PCR content and 14% of fiber packaging (by weight) was FSC-certified content.

Eliminate PVC from the entirety of our supply chain by 2025
We are on track to stop production of products with PVC by 2025. Read more about our phase-outs in the Safer Chemistry section.

Eliminate perfluorinated chemicals (PFOS & PFOA) from all products by 2022

Our products remain free of intentionally added long-chain PFAS chemicals (including PFOA, PFOS, PFOA salts, and PFOA-related substances).

Eliminate bisphenols (BPS & BPF) from food contact surfaces by 2022
Since 2022, all food contact surfaces of YETI products remain free of bisphenols as a result of our continued monitoring and testing program.
Launch a circular consumer strategy by 2025
We launched YETI RESCUES in January 2023 and Rambler Buy Back in April 2023. Read more in the Circularity section.
Increase coverage of YETI circularity programs
As of 2023, 39% of products are eligible for YETI circularity programs.3
Achieve zero waste to landfill across our value chain by 2030
In 2023, 69% of waste across U.S. and Canada distribution centers, global offices, and innovation centers was diverted from landfill. 41% of waste was recycled or composted,
and 28% was sent to waste to energy facilities. Read more in the Zero Waste section.

1 Our Scope 1 and 2 target aligns with limiting global temperature increases to 1.5°C. Our Scope 3 target aims to limit emissions to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

2 Our original target ended in 2022 but we remain committed to sourcing 100% renewable energy. We changed this goal language to clarify that this goal applies to our U.S. operations. YETI does not own any facilities as of publication.

3 We define eligibility as being in scope of either YETI RESCUES or Rambler Buy Back. In 2022, we calculated this metric as the percentage of sales eligible for circularity programs. Moving forward, this percentage is the units within scope of YETI RESCUES or Rambler Buy Back out of total YETI units. We believe this is a better measure of circularity eligibility in our product portfolio.

YETI believes the more time we spend outside, the more we understand our responsibility to protect the places we love.
YETI supports our partners and communities in restoration actions that will regenerate our planet and wild spaces.


Directly support land, water, and wildlife restoration actions
YETI donated $2.3 million to support organizations and individuals working to preserve the wild.

Co-host gatherings and expand storytelling platforms for Ambassadors and Community Partners to promote restoration actions

We created multiple opportunities throughout the year for our Ambassadors, Community Partners, customers, and employees to share their stories and restore the wild. See our Places section for more about our 2023 initiatives.

Support organizations to bring diversity into the wild
We believe the wild is for everyone. We partner with organizations such as Big City Mountaineers, Black Outside, The Venture Out Project, and Thrive Outside to increase access and
representation. Learn more about our partnerships on ourPartnerspage.
Inspire our consumers to engage in local restoration actions
We host river clean ups in Austin, the site of our headquarters, and facilitate other volunteer opportunities for employees. We also encourage retail locations to organize in their local
communities. We encourage all full-time YETI employees to give back to their community by providing eight hours of paid volunteer time annually.