European Parliament

09/06/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Promoting the reuse of treated waste water in the European Union

Promoting the reuse of treated waste water in the European Union


Question for written answer E-001644/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Mathilde Androuƫt (PfE)

As water scarcity in many parts of the EU is a regular occurrence, reusing treated waste water has become a vital solution for ensuring the availability of fresh water. Currently, only 2.4% of treated waste water in the EU is reused, but the potential for greater reuse is considerably higher. Regulation (EU) 2020/741 lays down minimum requirements for water reuse, but its implementation remains limited in several Member States, particularly in regions facing significant water stress, such as southern France and elsewhere around the Mediterranean where pressure on water resources is growing.

  • 1.Does the Commission intend to propose financial resources or support programmes for modernising and developing the infrastructure needed to reuse waste water, including by using the Cohesion Fund budget?
  • 2.What initiatives is it planning to increase awareness among citizens and industries of the benefits of reusing treated waste water and to promote more sustainable water use practices, bearing in mind that 44% of EU water resources are already exploited beyond their sustainable limits?

Submitted: 6.9.2024