ANERA - American Near East Refugee Aid

07/03/2024 | News release | Archived content

Lebanon Situation Report | July 2024

The humanitarian situation in Lebanon continues to escalate due to conflict with Israel at its southern border. Nearly 100,000 people have been internally displaced and hundreds of civilians have been injured and killed. Civilian infrastructure for agriculture, water and sanitation, livelihood, health and education has sustained heavy damage that impacts hundreds of thousands more people in Lebanon.

Border Violence

Human Rights Watch has documented Israel's repeated use of white phosphorus, a chemical that combusts on contact with oxygen, in Lebanon. Since October, Israel has deployed this banned chemical five times over residential areas, injured at least 173 people.

On June 18, the Israeli military announced that they have "approved and validated" operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon. There is a very real possibility that the conflict may significantly escalate in the next weeks and months.

Internal Displacement and Shelters

As of June 11, 95,228 people have been documented as internally displaced in Lebanon. Around 82% of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) are living with host families, of which 17% are living in overcrowded conditions. There is a growing need for direct cash assistance to help people meet their basic needs during this period of turmoil in their lives.

Unfortunately, many of the displaced families are farmers who have been forced to leave behind their land and income. Especially in Lebanon's tumultuous economy, this loss has left many IDPs without income to afford rent or basic necessities like food.

Syrian refugees have also faced escalating violence, harassment and insecurity in recent months. Tensions between the Lebanon host community and Syrian refugees have reached a critical juncture. This escalation means that Syrian refugees urgently need accommodations besides collective shelters.

Civilian Infrastructure Deterioration

The economic collapse in Lebanon is entering its fifth year, and creating a substantial increase in monetary poverty.

An Israeli airstrike hit the Martyr Salah Ghandour Hospital in Bint Jbeil, killing one civilian and injuring eight health workers. Furthermore, Israeli airstrikes have destroyed 4,151 acres of agricultural land and killed 340,000 farm animals.

Over 30,000 children have fled southern Lebanon since October 8, and due to school closures, 20,000 children cannot attend classes anymore. The shortage of education heightens the risk that families will turn to child labor or child marriage for survival. For caregivers of infants and young children, cash assistance for breast milk substitutes is essential.

Syrian refugee camps in Arsal are seeing cases of water-related diseases on the rise. Due to reduced funding, UNICEF has had to reduce the amount of clean water delivered every day to the camps. Moreover, hostilities in southern Lebanon have damaged at least ten water infrastructures, diminishing the water supply for over 100,000 residents.

Anera's Response

Anera has distributed 5,634 winter kits to displaced people and collective shelters in southern Lebanon. We have also conducted 20 civic engagement sessions for 60 displaced youth in shelters around the Tyre area.

In an initiative led by trained youths who assessed and communicated the needs of six shelters, Anera has provided washing machines, gas and electric heaters, carpets, hygiene materials and drying racks to 250 families. So far, the project has produced 4,370 blankets, 3,350 sleeping bags and 2,325 clothing kits for distribution to the displaced families.

Between June 1, 2024, and July 31, 2024, Anera is implementing the Lebanon Emergency Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Response in partnership with Islamic Relief USA. This initiative is providing 5,150 families with hygiene kits containing soap, bleach, antibacterial detergent, dishwashing liquid, laundry washing powder, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, sanitary bags, and garbage bags.

For more information, including sources cited, read our full situation report.