Veolia Environnement SA

09/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/16/2024 03:22

La glaciologue Heidi Sevestre récompensée par le Prix du Livre Environnement 2024

For this 19th edition, the jury rewarded Heïdi Sevestre's powerful and engaging story that combines scientific exploration and ecological awareness.

Diving into the heart of melting ice

In "Sentinelle du climat", Heïdi Sevestre recounts her expeditions to the world's glacial regions, from the Arctic to Greenland, Antarctica and the Himalayas. Driven by her passion for these ice giants, the scientist's initial amazement turns to deep concern at their accelerating melting, a visible consequence of global warming.

"I've tried to humanize science by speaking to the heart rather than the head," she explains. Glaciers contain the history of humanity. Their change confronts us with the ephemeral aspect of life and our own passage on Earth. By protecting them, we protect a part of our history and what drives us."