12/04/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/04/2024 16:20
PUEBLO-The City of Pueblo Wastewater Department celebrates Wastewater Utility Appreciation Week which takes place December 2-6, 2024, as declared by Governor of Colorado Jared Polis.
"We are happy to celebrate Wastewater Utility Appreciation Week and to have our team recognized for the work done 365 days a year in order to best serve the citizens of Pueblo," said Director of Wastewater Andra Ahrens. "This recognition is also part of our participation in the Colorado Wastewater Surveillance Program and providing twice weekly testing for infectious disease."
The James R. Dilorio Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) collects and reclaims wastewater in a manner that is protective of public health and the greater Pueblo and southern Colorado environment. This is done by collecting sanitary sewage from residences, businesses and industries throughout the city and by treating sewage to levels specified by federal and state law. Additionally, the WRF disposes of residual materials in compliance with legal requirements.
The City of Pueblo Wastewater's participation in the Colorado Wastewater Surveillance Program began during the COVID-19 pandemic and was part of a larger, statewide wastewater surveillance system. This allows for the identification of emerging pathogens and new strains of viruses prevalent in the community.
"I am proud of the work of our wastewater utility workers here in the City of Pueblo and happy to see them recognized by this proclamation at the state level," said Mayor of Pueblo Heather Graham. "The Wastewater Department is an essentially function to ensure the health and safety of every citizen, visitor and worker in our community. Their work is invaluable, and this recognition is well-deserved."
In 2024, the WRF received the silver award for the Peak Performance Awards recognizing member agencies and facilities in excellence in wastewater treatment as measured by compliance with their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. This award process is given on an annual basis with recognition from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA). NACWA represents public wastewater and stormwater agencies of all sizes nationwide.