Capgemini SE

07/02/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/02/2024 00:42

The rise of total user experience

The rise of total user experience

Jakub Wasilewski

13 Jun 2024

The Rise of Total User Experience

In the rapidly evolving world of enterprise service management, the expectations of enterprise users have undergone a significant transformation. The stark reality is that 94% of a website's first impressions are tied directly to its design, with a preference for simplicity expressed by 41% of customers. The concept of Total User Experience (TUX) has emerged as a pivotal focus area, especially for tools like ServiceNow that are at the forefront of this change. Investing in user experience design is crucial, with studies showing that every dollar invested in UX results in a $100 return, a staggering 9,900% ROI. The modern user demands not just a functionality but an integrated, intuitive, and seamless experience that caters to their every need within a single platform. This shift represents both a challenge and an opportunity for enterprise platforms to redefine service management..

Leaping from isolated tools to seamless integration

Gone are the days when employees were content to navigate through multiple portals to accomplish their tasks. Today, digital transformation has set the stage for a new era where simplicity, efficiency, and convenience are not just preferred but expected. Speaking of convenience, the digital age demands mobile optimization, with57% of customers avoiding businesses that lack a well-designed mobile site. For ServiceNow and similar platforms, this statistic highlights the urgency of ensuring mobile-friendly interfaces, as 50% of users will abandon a mobile-unfriendly site, even if they are fond of the business.

One-stop shop for enterprise needs

Today's enterprise users are looking for more than just a collection of unrelated tools and platforms; they seek a cohesive, integrated experience that caters to a wide array of needs within a single, accessible interface. This underscores the necessity for platforms like ServiceNow to prioritize design that is not only appealing but straightforward, as 94% of negative feedback is design-related, highlighting the critical role of aesthetics and functionality in user satisfaction.

Raising the bar for seamless enterprise experiences

Modern enterprise users, accustomed to the seamless experiences offered by consumer applications and platforms, now demand similar standards in their professional tools. They anticipate an ecosystem where diverse functionalities are not only available but are interconnected in an intuitive manner. They seek comprehensive IT service management, not limited to incident reporting but encompassing proactive solutions, predictive maintenance, and tailored IT advice, all within an accessible dashboard. This expectation extends to integrated human resources services, simplifying a range of processes like leave management, performance reviews, and training program participation, without the hassle of juggling multiple systems or paperwork. Additionally, the platform is expected to offer seamless facility and asset management, enabling easy reservations, issue reporting, and real-time tracking of company cars, meeting rooms, and other assets. Users also desire streamlined financial and administrative tasks, including expense reporting, reimbursements, and budget management, all achievable through this singular, integrated portal. This holistic approach aims to eliminate the need for multiple logins and interfaces, offering a comprehensive, frictionless experience across various organizational needs.

Going a few steps beyond traditional needs

The one-stop shop model's ambition goes beyond just streamlining traditional enterprise operations; it envisions a comprehensive platform that encompasses wellness and work-life balance through features supporting mental health resources, wellness programs, and community engagement, all without navigating away from the platform. It aims to promote professional growth with customized learning paths, offering access to a wide array of online courses and opportunities for further education aligned with individual career objectives. Moreover, it seeks to foster a collaborative environment by integrating social tools that facilitate knowledge sharing, project management, and enhanced team interaction.

Building platforms users love

Integrating diverse functionalities into a single, user-friendly platform presents a complex challenge for providers like ServiceNow. However, this also opens up unparalleled opportunities to innovate and deliver a superior user experience that sets them apart from the competition. The key lies in developing a transparent yet multifunctional layout that caters to the varied needs of users.

ServiceNow as a pioneer in total user experience

ServiceNow has been at the forefront of this transformation, reimagining how services are delivered within enterprises. By offering a cohesive platform that addresses the full spectrum of user needs, ServiceNow exemplifies how innovative solutions can meet the high expectations of today's users, showcasing success stories that highlight the platform's impact on enhancing enterprise service management.

Innovations that are changing the game

Looking ahead, the landscape of user experience is poised for transformation through several key trends. ServiceNow is expected to embrace anticipatory design, utilizing data analytics to predict and meet user needs proactively, thereby boosting efficiency and user satisfaction. A growing emphasis on inclusivity will see the integration of accessibility features, such as screen readers and high-contrast modes, ensuring compliance with standards like the European Accessibility Act and broadening user accessibility. Ethical design principles will play a crucial role in safeguarding privacy and data security, building user trust. Enhancements in user interaction will come through engaging micro-interactions and the adoption of dark mode as a default setting to enhance user comfort. The introduction of 3D designs and immersive AR/VR technologies promises more dynamic and engaging experiences, merging digital with physical realities. The role of UX designers is set to evolve, focusing on creating comprehensive experiences that go beyond the screen. Lastly, a continued shift towards simplified and minimalist interfaces will aim to improve usability and reduce cognitive load, prioritizing essential functionalities.

The unstoppable march toward a unified user experience

The drive toward total user experience in enterprise service management is more than a trend; it's a fundamental shift in how users interact with digital platforms. ServiceNow's commitment to evolving alongside the trends mentioned above not only showcases its role as a pioneer but also sets a benchmark for what's possible in creating integrated, efficient, and enjoyable user experiences. As we move forward, the fusion of innovative design principles with technological advancements will continue to redefine the boundaries of enterprise service management, making it an exciting journey for users and providers alike.


Jakub Wasilewski

Portfolio Manager - Enterprise Service Management

Jakub specializes in addressing intricate issues within Enterprise Service Management. His certifications in IT Service Management (ITSM), Customer Service Management (CSM), and IT Operations Management (ITOM) from ServiceNow equip him to blend creativity with analytical thinking. He crafts holistic solutions that align with organizational requirements.
