City and County of Denver, CO

08/28/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Mayor, Fox Park, EPA Announce Remediation at Superfund Site

Mayor, Fox Park, EPA Announce Remediation at Superfund Site

Published on August 28, 2024

Mayor Mike Johnston today, in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Fox Park development team, and federal congressional partners, celebrated the complete environmental remediation of Fox Park. A portion of the site was part of one of Denver's last remaining Superfund sites located near the I-70 and I-25 interchange in Denver.

"The effort to clean up and rebuild this site is a testament to the progress we can make when government and private partners stand shoulder-to-shoulder to better our community," said Mayor Mike Johnston. "Thanks to the dedicated work of the EPA, our federal partners, and Fox Park, this site will drive economic opportunity, support Denverites in their own communities, and help create a vibrant Denver that serves us all."

The site, located in Denver's Globeville neighborhood, was home to the Boston and Colorado Smelting Company's Argo Smelter. The smelter operated for nearly a century and left lasting pollution, hazardous waste, and environmental impacts on the community, which is recognized as one of the most polluted zip codes country.

The environmental clean-up of a portion of the Vasquez Boulevard & Interstate 70 Superfund site, which was conducted by Fox Park development team, under federal and state oversight, successfully removed more than 470,000 cubic yards of contaminated dirt - enough to fill Empower Field up to 230 feet tall. Due to this strong partnership, now more than 41 acres of West Globeville are clean and ready, once again, to serve as an economic engine for the Globeville community and Denver at large.

"Transforming contaminated properties into community assets is a fundamental goal for Superfund cleanups, and today we celebrate a reuse success that has been a long-time in the making," said EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker. "A tremendous amount of soil and groundwater cleanup has been completed at the Vasquez Boulevard & Interstate 70 site over the past three decades to make this area accessible for people and businesses. It is gratifying to see these extensive efforts result in a multi-faceted redevelopment that will bring new life and energy to North Denver."

"Cleaning up this site and redeveloping it into businesses, housing, and open space will benefit the Globeville community for years to come," said Congresswoman DeGette. "This effort was possible because of strong relationships between federal and local partners and shows what can happen when we work together. I will continue fighting to ensure that federal resources are invested in our communities so that we can build a healthier and stronger future for all Denverites."

The remediation of Fox, which has been unused for over 15 years, sets the table for a transformative mixed-use and income, transit-oriented community in the heart of Denver. After half a decade of planning, preparation and extensive community outreach, Fox Park broke ground on horizontal infrastructure six months ago, along with Trammell Crow Company and other development and entertainment partners. In the years ahead, this project will deliver millions of square feet of new commercial space, thousands of mixed-income housing units, two hotels include the new Virgin hotel, 14 acres of parks, plazas, and open space in partnership with the Denver Botanic Gardens, and the adaptive reuse of the historic Denver Post printing plant. Its immediately adjacent location next to the 41st and Fox RTD commuter rail station provides accessibility and new opportunities for growth.

"We take great pride in the transformation we are bringing to Fox Park and the neighborhood," said Jose Carredano, managing partner for Fox Park. "This achievement is made possible through our strong collaboration with government partners and the support of the community. We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to making Denver a better and exciting place."

In addition to key requirements like affordable housing, Fox Park has signed a community benefits agreement to deliver direct economic, housing, and community-building benefits directly to the historically disadvantaged community in Globeville. Fox Park will prioritize transit-oriented projects by delivering new multi-modal transportation facilities, reconnecting neighborhoods that were long isolated due to railroads and highways, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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