Government of the Republic of Fiji

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/16/2024 17:53


Honorable Members of Parliament
Members of the Diplomatic Corp
Permanent Secretaries
Distinguished Guests
Members of the Media
Ladies and Gentlemen

Bula Vinaka and good morning to you all.

It is a privilege to welcome you all to the launch of the Coalition Government's National Development Plan for 2025-2029 and Vision 2050. Your presence here signifies the collective commitment to shaping the future of Fiji, and I extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you for accepting our invitation to be part of this special occasion.

Ladies and Gentlemen, today marks a significant milestone in Fiji's history again. We are here to unveil a comprehensive policy document that will guide the allocation of government resources for the next five years, while setting a solid platform for Fiji's development trajectory over the next 25 years.

As a nation, we have shown remarkable resilience in the face of numerous challenges, from the devastating impacts of the global pandemic, economic and financial crises, changing global geopolitical dynamics and the gravity of war against drugs. These events have taught us hard lessons and, as a result, we have adapted and strengthened our ability to respond to future adversities. These factors are pivotal as we chart the course for our nation's development.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we recognized the need to assure our people of their fundamental rights and freedoms-not just through words, but through concrete actions. It took time for our citizens and investors to adjust to the new political landscape and embrace their freedoms. Our primary goal during our first year in government was to restore confidence across all sectors of society and to foster an environment of mutual respect, enabling us to coexist peacefully as a unified nation.

Addressing our public finances and reducing the national debt are among the Coalition Government's top priorities. Stabilizing our fiscal situation became imperative to create the necessary space to finance future development initiatives, as laid out in our new National Development Plan. We also moved to provide job security for our civil servants, replacing fixed-term contracts with permanent tenure, and fostering a culture of continuous dialogue.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to lead a Government that listens, makes decisions based on due diligence, and formulates public policies grounded in evidence-based research. Over the past months, we have launched programs aimed at improving access to clean drinking water, enhancing drainage systems, upgrading rural roads, and providing quality healthcare and education. While we acknowledge there are still many areas in need of development, we remain optimistic that, as resources allow, these basic needs will be addressed.

I had announced that the Government's primary objective in formulating a new National Development Plan was to reflect a new political mandate-one that enhances the wellbeing of you, inclusiveness and sustainable development.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this Plan represents the culmination of months of tireless dedication, collaboration, and vision. It is a testament to our collective commitment to shaping a future that is defined by progress, prosperity, and opportunity for all.

I envisage that this National Development Plan will act as a catalyst to bring a more transformative change to realise better economic growth and opportunities for greater prosperity of our current and future generations.

Ladies and Gentlemen, our Vision for the Plan, "Empowering the People of Fiji Through Unity," holds profound meaning and speaks to the very heart of our national aspirations. It reflects our commitment to fostering a sense of shared purpose, where every citizen, regardless of background, has the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from the nation's progress.

The pursuit of the right path for our nation's progress, and the identification of the foundational pillars that will propel us to the next phase of development, has been a deliberate and thoughtful process. It was neither swift nor taken lightly, as we understood the gravity of ensuring this task was approached with the utmost care and precision. We felt that the job had to be done right.
The Plan is built on three core pillars:

1. Economic Resilience - We will diversify our economy through innovation, research, and technology, building resilience to future economic shocks.
2. People Empowerment - We will address development gaps to ensure that all Fijians have access to basic services, fostering active engagement in nation-building.
3. Good Governance - We will promote accountability, transparency, and respect for the rule of law, protecting the sanctity of our democracy.
These three pillars are critical to Fiji's long-term development. The Plan will aim to:
• Strengthen macroeconomic confidence;
• Manage and enhance the productivity of our natural resources;
• Catalyze economic growth;
• Uplift the socioeconomic wellbeing of our people;
• Develop public infrastructure; and
• Promote good governance and institutional reforms.

Ladies and Gentlemen, underlying these broad policy platforms are specific strategies that will drive Fiji's economic transformation, including increased private sector participation, greater women empowerment and a focus on rural and outer island development.

Fiji's natural resources are key to our future prosperity. The Plan will take a holistic approach to resource management, ensuring that economic development does not come at the expense of environmental health or social equity.

Ladies and Gentlemen, any development plan that does not place its people at the forefront is both futile and impractical. Our new National Development Plan places the needs and aspirations of our people at its core, ensuring that development is both equitable and inclusive.

I am pleased to highlight that this Plan aligns with global and regional commitments, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. It underscores Fiji's commitment to regional leadership and positions our nation as a Pacific hub for commerce and trade.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Plan not only advocates Fiji's commitment to the Pacific, as the Ocean of Peace but positions Fiji as a regional hub of the Pacific in commerce and trade, taking advantage of our location and optic fiber infrastructure telecommunications platform and satellite access to transform Fiji to a modern and globally interconnected digital economy.
The National Development Plan will serve as a blueprint for the next stage of development for our country, but for its successful implementation it will depend on you. The successful implementation of this Plan will be critical in achieving our goals and Vision 2050.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Plan's implementation process is anchored on achievement of results, and a transparent and accountable implementation, monitoring and evaluation (IME) mechanism. As Prime Minister, I will ensure that all Government ministries gather data to assess progress towards the desired output and outcomes, report on the progress based on set timelines, and propose interventions for corrective measures, where necessary.

I cannot overstate the importance of collective action in the successful implementation of this Plan. It is through our united efforts that we will drive sustainable development forward and realize the prosperous Fiji we aspire to achieve. Together, let us commit to building a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050 provides us with a clear roadmap, but how we reach our destination-and the progress we make-will depend on each and every one of us.
I urge each and every one of you to reflect on your role and responsibility as a citizen of our beautiful country, given your action of today will determine its future and that of the future generation. Together, as one, we should and can elevate Fiji to the next stage of its development.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I extend my sincere appreciation to Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Technical Working Groups, Stakeholders and most importantly, the people of Fiji who, in diverse capacities, have played a crucial role in shaping the National Development Plan. Your invaluable insights and contributions are deeply valued. The evident depth and quality of discussions were truly remarkable. The concrete results of these diligent efforts are to now guide Fiji's development pathway for the coming 5 years and as a stepping stone towards Vision 2050.

It is with great pleasure that I extend the honor and privilege of officially launching the Coalition Government's National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050.

Vinaka Vakalevu, Dhanyavaad and Thank You