City of Berkeley, CA

07/12/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Sign up for AC Alert for official emergency information

Sign up for text, email, and phone alerts to quickly guide you, your family, and co-workers to protective actions during emergencies.

July 12, 2024
Last Updated:
July 17, 2024

Make sure each member of your household signs up for their own AC Alert account to receive alerts during an emergency.

Include phone numbers, email addresses, and locations of interest, like your home, work, and children's school addresses, to get critical emergency information.

By signing up for AC Alert, which is used across Alameda County, you will receive important information about protective actions to take during emergencies, including extreme fire weather, evacuations, or orders to shelter-in-place.

AC Alert will also be used in Berkeley to guide people on how to use our evacuation map and provide details when the city's Outdoor Warning System is in effect.

Sign up for AC Alert.

Opt-in to get informed

If you've moved, switched job locations, or enrolled your children in new schools, update the addresses of interest in your profile to ensure you get messages for those areas.

Confirm your registered phone numbers and addresses are accurate to ensure you get relevant emergency messages for the places you care about - in Berkeley or elsewhere in Alameda County.

AC Alerts help you respond to emergencies

In an emergency, the City will send AC Alert notifications via text message, email, TDD/TTY devices, and phone to let you know what protective actions to take.

AC Alert notifications can include:

  • Evacuation Warnings and Orders

  • Shelter-in-Place information

  • Information about extreme fire weather, flooding, and fires

  • Communication during an emergency about shelters and service sites

  • Other public safety incidents where lives may be at risk

AC Alert is reserved for rare situations when there is an urgent threat or need for the public to take protective actions. Messages will be targeted to people in the areas that need to take action.

In most cases, emergency responders can quickly resolve emergency incidents without the public needing to take action.

Stay informed so you can take action to protect yourself and your loved ones in emergencies. Sign up for AC Alert.


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