Greater London Authority

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 05:05

The gap in oral health inequalities

Created on
17 September 2024

The gap in oral health inequalities

The most marginalised and socially excluded groups in society such as homeless people, prisoners, people with disabilities and refugees experience extreme oral health inequalities with very high levels of oral diseases.1

A survey by the British Dental Association (BDA) and the BBC in 2022 found that 9 out of 10 dental practices in the UK were not offering NHS appointments to new adult patients and 8 out of 10 practices were not accepting new child patients.2

The BDA has argued that NHS dentistry is facing a "genuine crisis" of access, with many patients unable to see an NHS dentist, or forced to pay to see one privately if they can afford to do so.3

The Health Committee is also interested in hearing how people have found accessing or trying to access dentist appointments in London, including hearing from parents/carers of school aged children about dentist appointments for their child, and the experiences of those working or studying in dentistry or a dentistry-related field. Find the survey here.

In the second of a two-meeting investigation, the London Assembly Health Committee will examine which groups of people are disproportionately impacted by oral health inequalities and what preventative measures are in place across London to address these inequalities. Questions will include:

  • How widespread poor oral health is in London and which groups of people are disproportionately impacted.
  • What preventative measures are being taken to support the oral health of adults and children, including the promotion of oral health in schools.
  • What action needs to be taken by the NHS and health partners in London to ensure all Londoners can access an NHS dentist and support good oral health.

The guests are:

Panel 1 - 10:00 - 11:30

  • Vicky Hobart, GLA Group Director of Public Health and Deputy Statutory Health Adviser
  • Charlotte Klass,Consultant in Public Health/Dental Public Health, NHS England London Region
  • Jazz Bhogal,Assistant Director, Health, Children & Young Londoners, GLA
  • Kelly O'Neill,Director of Public Health, London Boroughs of Hounslow and Hillingdon
  • Chris Groombridge,Chair and Founder of Teeth Team

Panel 2 - 11:30 - 12:30

  • Mike Derry,Chief Officer, Healthwatch Richmond

The meeting will take place on Wednesday 18 August from 10am in the Chamber at City Hall, Kamal Chunchie Way, E16 1ZE.

Media and members of the public are invited to attend.

The meeting can also be viewed LIVE or later via webcast or YouTube.

Follow us @LondonAssembly.

Notes to editors

  1. Public Health England, Inequalities in oral health in England, 19 March 2021
  2. BDA, NHS dentistry: Have we reached the point of no return?, 10 August 2022
  3. House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee, NHS dentistry, 11 July 2023
  4. Full agenda papers.
  5. Krupesh Hirani AM, Chair of the Health Committee, is available for interview.
  6. Find out more about the work of the Health Committee.
  7. As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.