MNEA - Missouri National Education Association

09/20/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/20/2024 14:57

Protecting Public Education in the 2024 General Election

Opponents of public education are increasingly using manufactured social issues to discredit public schools and educators. These plots have one purpose: to privatize education and profit from students while pulling classrooms, students, and teachers into unnecessary and unwelcome political rancor.

In this environment, the ballot is important for protecting schools and students. At every level, members need elected officials who are advocates for strong public schools. This means supporting candidates (regardless of political party) who will work to ensure educators have adequate resources and assistance to tackle student learning loss.

The 2024 general election will dictate the future of educator jobs, voucher schemes, and charter schools. With so much at stake, every educator's vote matters in Missouri. Please join MNEA in choosing candidates who will protect students, teachers, support professionals, and strong public schools.

Important Races for Educators

Apart from the armed services, the education profession is more directly affected by elected officials than almost any other profession. Elected officials determine significant aspects of your daily work life, from pay to planning time to your right to bargain collectively. The state legislature and school boards play an especially salient role.

The Missouri Senate is a critical chamber for Missouri educators. Because senators can filibuster bills, the chamber can stop legislation that would harm MNEA members and the students they serve. For decades, Missouri educators could count on the state senate to support public education. However, the Missouri Senate is changing rapidly. Several years ago, a majority of senators supported public education, with many defending educators' rights to negotiate contracts. Now, fewer senators remain who support public education.

Missouri House elections provide an opportunity to elect new supporters of public education and retain elected officials who are firmly committed to ensuring every student, regardless of ZIP code, attends a well-resourced school. The Missouri House is critical to funding neighborhood schools. Budget bills, which authorize every dollar the state spends (including the state's share in local school funding), begin in the Missouri House's influential budget committee. Electing just a few additional supporters of public education to the Missouri House would increase the number of pro-public school elected officials seated on this critical committee.

For detailed information on key races for educators, go to