European External Action Service

10/15/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/15/2024 09:02

EU Statement – 220th Executive Board, UNESCO

Madame la Présidente,

Madame la Directrice Générale,

Madame la Présidente

Vos Excellences

J'ai l'honneur de m'exprimer au nom des Etats membres de l'Union européenne, les pays candidats comprenant l'Albanie, le Monténégro, la République de Macédoine du Nord, la République de Moldavie, ainsi que la Principauté de Monaco, la Principauté d'Andorre et Saint Marin.

Il y a tout juste trois semaines, nos dirigeants mondiaux se sont réunis pour une étape cruciale du système multilatéral : l'adoption du Pacte pour l'avenir représente un moment d'espoir et opportun.

Comme nous le savons tous, les urgences qui nous entourent aujourd'hui risquent de dépasser nos objectifs de développement durable. Les progrès vers la réalisation des ODD ont été freinés par un contexte international de profonde incertitude et tensions géopolitiques. Aujourd'hui, les défis auxquels nous sommes confrontés sont de plus en plus étroitement liés. Leurs solutions relèvent d'une responsabilité partagée.

Avant toute chose, l'UE se réjouit que les domaines clés du mandat unique de l'UNESCO soient positionnés dans le Pacte pour l'avenir. Le fait de placer la « culture en tant que bien public mondial » et d'intégrer l'« éducation » dans l'ensemble du Pacte constitue une base solide pour notre travail ici à l'UNESCO.

The EU, stressing the importance of fully respecting international law and human rights, strives to act where it matters most for the lives of individuals, especially women and children - be it in Ukraine, Gaza, Afghanistan or Sudan (to name a few):

  • Following Russia's illegal war of aggression, the EU recalls its continued support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders and reconfirms its unwavering support to Ukraine and its people for as long as it takes - including in the areas of education, culture, communication and science.
  • At the same time, the EU continues its efforts to address the deteriorating situation in Gaza and the wider Middle East, where recent events risk leading to an all-out regional conflict following the October 2023 brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks by Hamas. Team Europe has allocated over EUR 1175 million in humanitarian aid for Palestinians since the start of the war.
  • The EU has also pledged EUR 40 million for humanitarian aid in Lebanon, and is mobilising all the emergency response tools at its disposal. The EU calls for the protection of the rich cultural heritage of Lebanon, and its education and scientific infrastructure, and remains committed to addressing the dire humanitarian situation.
  • The EU strongly condemns the systemic violation of human rights in Afghanistan, in particular the rights of women and girls to education, and the right to freedom of expression, in particular of women and girls, journalists and other media workers
  • The EU expresses deep concern regarding the dire humanitarian situation in Sudan, which faces one of the world's worst learning crises. The EU reaffirms its steadfast support and solidarity with the people of Sudan.

UNESCO has the ability to make a meaningful contribution in responding to humanitarian crises.

Following Azerbaijan's military operation in September 2023, the EU welcomed the rapid response of UNESCO in ensuring educational continuity and providing psychosocial support for displaced Karabakh Armenians, and continues to encourage the sides to engage constructively, including within UNESCO, to ensure full and equal protection of cultural heritage sites, symbols and monuments.

As we prepare the 43 C/5, this is crucial moment to reinforce UNESCO's role, coupled with a bold vision for an ambitious post-2030 Agenda:

  • The EU and its partners remain firmly committed to accelerating progress towards SDG 4. We commend UNESCO's important work to ensure quality education for all, including in crisis and emergency situations.
  • The EU supports UNESCO's work to ensure the freedom of expression and the safety of journalists, teachers, artists and scientists. We continue to reiterate that freedom of expression is a fundamental right.
  • The EU continues to support UNESCO's Global Priorities Gender Equality and Africa.

To this end, EU welcomes the support of UNESCO and its Member States to advance safe and inclusive sport and tackle violence against women and girls in sport.

The EU and its MS remain the largest voluntary donors to UNESCO, providing around 40% of voluntary contributions. The EU takes note with concern the IOS performance audit of UNESCO's integrated budget framework, whilst taking into account the report of external auditor.
We look forward to not only our fruitful discussions at this Executive Board Session but to a renewed, networked multilateral system fit for our common future.