Press Ganey Holdings Inc.

09/06/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/06/2024 14:16

3 ways to drive growth via a consumer-focused healthcare marketing strategy

Healthcare is, and has always been, a dynamic industry. From regulatory changes and policy reform to aging populations and shifting demographics, from the rapid adoption of digital tools to radical advancements in medical treatments, healthcare organizations have always needed to adapt quickly to stay ahead. And now, the rise of "consumerism" in the healthcare space has forced organizations to rethink their marketing strategies not just as channels for new patient acquisition, but as pathways to lasting relationships and patient retention too.

This means healthcare organizations face a unique challenge: balancing high-quality patient care with a strong community and market presence. One generally happens within the four walls; the other, outside of them. While, at first glance, these concerns may appear siloed-the responsibility of the chief medical officer and chief marketing officer, respectively-they are very much interwoven into the fabric of the Human Experience of healthcare.

Each interaction with your organization informs and shapes a patient's perception of your brand. This often happens before they even walk through your doors.

The modern healthcare journey: Discovery, consideration, selection, scheduling, and care

The modern consumer journey typically unfolds online. Most people in need of care start with an online search. But many already have a perception of the healthcare brands in their market, and they're bringing those perceptions into their initial search. This is one reason it's critical to make a good first impression, whether that's through your presence in the local community or strong brand awareness campaigns on billboards, TV ads, or social media.

58.8% of consumers use search engines (e.g., Google and Bing) to look for healthcare providers.

Another reason? Given multiple choices, many consumers prefer a brand they recognize over less familiar options. Or, if there's no clear market leader, factors like physician availability and hours of operation can dictate consumer choice.

Reviews build trust with prospective patients and are critical for conversion. In fact, provider ratings and reviews are the most influential factor in consumers' decisions about healthcare.

That brings us to the final step in the consumer journey: scheduling an appointment. Over 60% prefer to use digital tools to book an appointment-online, mobile app, or email. Unfortunately, this "last mile" is where most patient leakage happens, when people either struggle to find a suitable appointment time or get frustrated with the call center experience. Frictions at this-or any-stage of the journey can drive consumers away, and straight to your competitors. You have to understand a consumer's interactions and your presence at every touchpoint, so they're consistently seeing the best version of your brand.

1. Understand your brand's strengths and weaknesses

Today's healthcare landscape is more complex than ever. Tight budgets, fierce competition, and higher-than-ever consumer expectations demand a strategic approach to brand building and improving the consumer experience. Organizations are under immense pressure to navigate these complications and understanding your brand perception is crucial for success.

By first knowing your audience, analyzing consumer perceptions, benchmarking against competitors, and measuring outcomes, you can optimize your marketing strategy, as well as resource allocation, for maximum impact.

Ask questions like:

  • What's the competitive landscape like in your target markets?
  • How do prospective patients perceive your brand-and others?
  • How well is your brand recognized in the market?
  • Are consumers aware of all the services you offer?
  • Are you a trusted brand?
  • What's the overall perception of your brand, especially in the communities you operate in?

Easier said than done, right? Yes and no. Digital research tools like Market Navigator make it unprecedentedly simple to get to the heart of how people feel about your brand, providing a comprehensive view of your brand's performance. By delving deep into audience insights and the competitive landscape, you gain actionable intelligence to hone and refine your marketing strategy.

2. Amplify your online presence on third-party sites

Today's consumers prioritize convenience and speed. Instant gratification has become the norm. Technology has created a world where everything we need, or want, is on demand, at our fingertips. And, as a result, digital channels have eclipsed traditional referral methods as the primary driver of patient acquisition: Patients are 3.1x more likely to choose a new primary care provider from an online search than provider recommendations-and 2x more than provider and personal referrals combined.

On average, patients visit two to three healthcare sites and read five reviews before deciding on a provider. While online platforms have become patients' primary discovery and research tool, a human connection remains essential. To accomplish this in the digital era, comprehensive web-wide profile s, detailing everything from specialties to patient reviews, are nonnegotiable. They are the #1 deciding factor for patients choosing a new healthcare provider. To that end, the leading cause of referral leakage is the availability of relevant and accurate information online.

3. Share wins with your online visitors

Reading online reviews of doctors is a critical step in the patient journey. 83.5% of patients will at least sometimes read online reviews of a provider they've been referred to. And a lack of reviews would discourage nearly a third of patients from booking an appointment.

All of this underscores a simple fact: Online reviews are a baseline expectation in today's digital-first, consumer-driven world. But just having the numbers is not enough. Reviews need to be specific, recent, and genuine. People can tell when reviews feel sponsored, or when it seems that any negative feedback has been filtered out. (Who would have thought having a couple of less-than-glowing reviews would actually help your online reputation?)

A proactive approach to collecting reviews is essential to building a strong brand that attracts, then wins over, new patients.

As consumer expectations evolve, so too must a healthcare organization's strategies. Understanding the end-to-end consumer journey is critical for success. To learn more about navigating the consumer experience and how Press Ganey's Market Navigator solution can help, read on here. Rather talk to an expert 1:1? Reach out, and we'll be in touch ASAP.

A note on generative AI and search

Google recently released a new search feature powered by generative AI. These search results, often called AI Overviews (AIO), occupy the top of Google Search results, pushing organic results further down the page, sometimes "below the fold." As consumers become more familiar with technologies like ChatGPT, we anticipate two key trends:

  • Consumers will expect their search interfaces to function like ChatGPT.
  • New entrants, including Microsoft Bing (powered by ChatGPT), Apple (powered by ChatGPT), SearchGPT, and, will compete for this "search" market share. These generative AI-powered engines leverage data from multiple sources, including your own website, which means it will become even more critical to ensure your listings and review data is robust and correct everywhere. Optimizing Google is no longer enough.

We're ushering in a new era, where you can set the right narrative by publishing listings and reviews on key healthcare sites, so each person meets the best version of you no matter where they're looking.