Erlebnis Akademie AG

04/27/2023 | Press release | Archived content

New website: The Treetop Walks of the eak wear a new dress

New website: The Treetop Walks of the eak wear a new dress


Bad Kötzting, 27.04.2023 - More pep and modern, a streamlined menu and better user guidance: Erlebnis Akademie AG (eak) has given its Treetop Walk website a general overhaul. Going live on 26 April 2023 marks the end of a months-long development and design process. The former website will be transformed into

Even the URL reveals one of the most important goals of the relaunch, as CEO and eak board spokesperson Bernd Bayerköhler says. "As of today, eak has grown to 13 locations, in Germany, but also in other European countries - and with Canada, all over the world. This internationalisation is now also reflected online. Our Treetop Walk family is moving even closer together technically, but also visually, with the new website."

Focus on user guidance
The focus of the relaunch process was the customer. "The experience should already begin when searching for us", says Bayerköhler. In terms of content, visitors would basically find everything again that was also on the old website - such as the online ticket, detailed directions, everything important about the Treetop Walk and frequently asked questions. "Only now everything is much clearer and easier to find," says the board spokesman.

This is made possible, among other things, by the new page structure, accessible via a significantly streamlined menu, revised search engine optimisation, a specially adapted mobile presentation as well as overhauled and streamlined texts - which have retained their essential information. For the implementation, the project team from the headquarters in Bad Kötzting brought on board all locations as well as the online marketing agency 2do digital from Hamburg.

New job section to highlight career opportunities
The career section on the Treetop Walk pages is new. Until now, job offers could only be found on the company website, but not on the Treetop Walk websites. "The reason for the decision should be clear," says Bayerköhler. "Like the entire tourism industry, we are facing challenges in recruiting staff. Erlebnis Akademie AG is a strong employer at every location and our employees are important to us. In the future, we want to show that much more presently in the web area as well."

The company's partners will also get a bigger platform from now on, explains Bernd Bayerköhler: "What has remained is our subpage with excursion tips, where we advertise further attractions. But we have also redesigned this page from the ground up to present the sights and partners in the area in an attractive way. We are convinced that with the new approach we meet the needs of our customers even more and make visiting us more attractive. And not only that."

Through a partner page, he says, another platform has been added to present partner logos along with links. Working closely with other players in the industry has always been part of the company's philosophy, says the CEO. "We don't want to displace anyone at our locations, but rather strengthen the region as a tourism destination. To this end, we are in close exchange with other providers and the local tourism organisations - and have had good experiences with them. These are valuable relationships for both sides."

Links on partner websites should be exchanged step by step
The old website will be shut down with the relaunch. What does this mean for blogs, partner websites and tourism guides that currently link to this URL and want to continue promoting the offer? Sebastian Schulz, head of marketing at eak, says: "For the relaunch we have worked out a comprehensive redirect strategy." In concrete terms, this means: "All old links should therefore continue to work. They will automatically be redirected to the new website. Nevertheless, we advise our partners to exchange the links step by step to benefit from an optimised presence in the search engines through mutual linking. In this way, we can further strengthen the respective holiday region together."