Mike Huckabee

09/23/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2024 11:58

64 very long days

ByMike Huckabee

September23, 2024


Today marks 64 days since Kamala Harris was anointed as the Democrat nominee for President, and she's yet to hold a formal press conference, only a few puffball interviews like the Oprah show that was practically a Kamala telethon and the ABC debate that featured her plus the moderators against Trump.

But even these limited and extremely easy appearances have given voters a clue that she mouths a lot of words but never actually says anything. In a time of serious issues like inflation, war, crime and illegal immigration, vague promises about "hopes and dreams" with no specifics just don't cut it, and her poll numbers are sliding, as they well should. So it's no surprise that her campaign announced that she's willing to do another debate with Trump…on CNN.


But Trump put the kibosh on that, saying he's already done two debates, against Biden and Harris (I'd add, both on hostile, anti-Trump outlets: CNN and ABC.) He said it's too late for another debate, since (thanks to Democrats stretching out Election Day to eternity), mail-in ballots are already being sent out. He also pointed out that he challenged Harris to a debate in early September on Fox News, and she refused, since she won't appear on any outlet that doesn't guarantee her kid glove treatment.

I don't think we're missing much, since these shows aren't real debates anyway. If we're going to have debates, then get rid of the so-called "moderators" and just let the candidates ask each other questions and have a real argument about their plans and philosophies.

While I do believe that the more people see of Kamala, the less they like her, I can understand why Trump has had enough of appearing on these leftwing outlets. Why are Republicans always expected to debate in hostile territory while Democrats never agree to appear on an outlet like Fox, where they wouldn't be ambushed, they'd just face tough questioning from real journalists? Never mind, I think I just answered my own question.

PS - Maybe Trump just doesn't want to debate someone who apparently doesn't even know who he is…


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