DLA - Defense Logistics Agency

09/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/16/2024 07:03

Commentary: Remembering my brother Stephen


Today marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of Stephen Byus, a Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime supply specialist assigned to Combined Security Transition Command Afghanistan. On this solemn anniversary, and in honor of Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day, we reflect on his enduring influence through the words of his brother, Matthew Byus.

In recent years, Matthew has participated in Defense Supply Center Columbus' Survivor Outreach Services program, sharing his experience as a Gold Star family member with casualty assistance officers to enhance their training and preparation.

"Blazing Saddles." This was a code word Steve used to use with his best friend. It meant they were having a bad day or stuff just wasn't going right. If one called the other on the phone and said that phrase, the other would drop anything they were doing, and they'd get together to have a beer and watch the show. Many of you reading this have probably never watched Blazing Saddles- and that's okay - you don't have to know about 70's comedies to understand my point. I've shared this story at many events since Steve's passing and it's because it demonstrates to me what made him such a good friend to a lot of people.

Today it's been ten years since we lost Steve. What I've learned is that the grieving process doesn't truly end. But what has helped me so much in this process is knowing that I'm not alone, that we all have stories to share, and that sharing them keeps the memory of our loved ones alive.

A lot of people still remember Steve not just around our hometown but also around DLA. There was no such thing as a stranger to him. He could talk to anyone. And he was not short on ambition either. Steve pursued his master's degree in business along with working full time with DLA, and being a proud Navy Reservist, "Go Navy"! He gave me a lot to live up to and I try to do that every day.

Many of you younger siblings out there can understand that growing up with an older brother can sometimes be hard. As the older one, Steve always did things before me. But we had a lot of fun growing up only two years apart. There was not a day that went by where we were not outside playing a game of some sort like football or baseball. And this is where it was good to be the faster younger brother!

As we got older, when I needed help with college work, if I had a question, he was never in short supply on answers. He was the smartest one between us and he was not afraid to be blunt with me if I was doing something stupid. He taught me that hard work and dedication would pay off in the end.

Reflecting on these past ten years since his passing, there is a lot to be sad about but also a lot to be profoundly proud of. I am extremely proud of him and what he accomplished in the short time he was with us. I hope everyone at DLA knows how much they mean to me, and it has been an honor to get to know so many of you. The DLA leadership throughout the years and Mr. Brad Bunn have been wonderful during this whole ordeal from the moment it happened and ten years later DLA hasn't forgotten about us. Thank you for your part in honoring my brother and keeping his name and memory alive.

- Matthew Byus

Stephen Byus died Sept. 16, 2014, in Kabul, Afghanistan, from injuries sustained in a suicide bombing while on a mission assisting the Afghan National Army to improve its logistics capabilities. He was the first fallen DLA civilian in a combat zone in the agency's history.

Stephen was inducted into the DLA Hall of Fame in 2015, and the Stephen Byus Community Center on DSCC was dedicated the following year. In June of 2023, Matthew Byus joined his father and family members to dedicate the Stephen Byus Central Issue Facility Warehouse at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. The facility equips deploying civilian expeditionary team members ahead of mobilization for worldwide assignments.

Editor's Note: The last Sunday in September is Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day, in recognition of the sacrifice that all Gold Star families make when a loved one dies in service to the nation.