Delegation of the European Union to Colombia

07/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/16/2024 09:32

Toka Jonë (Our Land) plants trees in sized lands in Yzberish

COSV Albania, in cooperation with the Agency of the Administration of Seized and Confiscated Assets and with the support of the EU Delegation in Albania, organized on Friday, July 12, the first activity of the TOKA JONË (Our Land) project, near Administrative Unit no. 14 in Tirana, which aims to revive the confiscated agricultural lands.

TOKA JONË is a project funded by the European Union, with the aim of supporting social entrepreneurship through the reuse of confiscated lands and the promotion of social agriculture in the municipalities of Tirana and Durrës. The project is implemented by COSV as a leading partner, in partnership with Albanian state institutions, especially with the Ministry of the Interior, through the Agency of the Administration of Seized and Confiscated Assets (AAPSK).

Although the reuse of confiscated properties has started in recent years, it is the first time in Albania that agricultural lands are being worked on to transform them into social enterprises.

AAPSK has made available to the project three assets, two in Yzberish and one in Shijak, which have been put to use, through a sub-grant scheme, to three local organizations that will implement their projects, namely the Jocselyn Foundation in collaboration with Diakonia Agapes, Ecovolis Movement and ADAD Malore.

In his speech, Mr. Erion Ricku, Head of the Department of Institutional Relations and Legal Affairs at the Agency of the Administration of Seized and Confiscated Assets emphasized the commitment of this institution to fight against organized crime and corruption, to return assets in the service of the public, fulfilling the obligations arising from Law no. 10192. "This moment marks a big step forward and is a testament to the power of law and justice. We are determined to continue down this path, ensuring that any confiscated asset is turned into a resource that will bring real benefits to society."

In addition, Mr. Razvan Ghitescu, Manager of the Agriculture and Rural Development Program, at the Delegation of the European Union in Albania, appreciated the importance of the project as a way to increase the involvement of young people in the community and their exposure to new socio-economic opportunities. Mr. Ghitescu drew attention to the symbolic value that this project represents. "This is a very symbolic project. It represents a start and - if successful - a model to be followed across the country. Bad soil eventually causes a tree to die. Likewise, organized crime destroys society, oppresses and creates poverty for the majority.

A tree can bear fruit only if its roots are in good soil. For our society, that good soil consists of good education and moral values instilled in our children. A gardener takes care of his trees and doesn't let weeds take root and choke them. The gardener of society is the justice system and the rule of law.

The European Union stands by the Albanian people in sending a strong message that organized crime will not be tolerated and illegal activities will not be profitable for those involved in it."

He ended his speech by expressing his belief in the role of our society and state in creating positive models:

"We have faith in the Albanian people, starting with the residents of Yzberish to the civil society and the government of this country to continue to teach children that honesty and hard work are worth respecting. That honest people cannot be intimidated by evildoers. That the state will always protect the innocent and prosecute those who break the law."

Mrs. Isijda Sinjari, Country Director of COSV Albania, the organization that leads the implementation of the Toka Jonë project, emphasized the importance of inter-institutional cooperation between public institutions, both at the central and local level, civil society organizations and the community.

Mrs. Sinajri shared with the attendees the experience of the partner organizations that come with many years of expertise in the management of social enterprises and agriculture: "The project is implemented by a consortium between COSV Albania, the Gino Matereli National Social Solidarity Consortium (CGM), with 37 years of experience in supporting community needs to promote economic development through social entrepreneurship models. In their support comes another Italian consortium, La Rada. Meanwhile, in Albania, our partner is the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) which focuses on sustainable rural development."

The planting of trees on the seized lands in Yzberish marked not only the first step in reviving and increasing the value of these assets but also raising awareness towards the creation of a community culture that promotes social and economic development by having fair and legal access. Our Land project aims to address national priorities for the social reuse of confiscated assets as an effective solution for the empowerment of non-profit organizations combined with the strengthening of relevant Albanian agencies and local government units. The total value of the project is approximately EUR 400,000, of which the EU co-finances EUR 380,000.