University of Wyoming

09/20/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/20/2024 12:19

UW Raises More Than $60M for Second Year in a Row

UW students, along with faculty and staff members, benefit from the $61.6 million raised by the UW Foundation during the fiscal year that ended June 30. (UW Photo)

Driven by the University of Wyoming's commitment to student success and faculty excellence, donors rallied in record numbers, contributing an unprecedented amount of private support for Wyoming's university.

"What we've accomplished together -- from our donors to our academic partners to the UW Foundation -- shows what's possible when passion aligns with purpose," says Doug Stark, chair of the UW Foundation Board of Directors. "We exceeded our expectations, not only in dollars raised, but in the lasting impact we can make on the University of Wyoming when we work together as a team."

UW raised $61.6 million during the fiscal year that ended June 30. This brings the university's five-year annual fundraising average to almost $54 million, thanks to gifts and commitments this year from 27,644 individuals, corporations and foundations.

"On behalf of the university, I am incredibly grateful and humbled by the generosity of our many donors that helps us better serve students and the state of Wyoming," UW President Ed Seidel says. "I also am grateful for the leadership of and partnership with the UW Foundation in achieving this remarkable level of fundraising."

The university and the UW Foundation celebrated several significant milestones this year. For the first time, donors contributed more than $60 million in back-to-back years, marking only the third time in UW's history that donations have surpassed this amount. With this year's philanthropic total, UW achieved its second-highest fundraising year ever, just behind the record $63.1 million raised in the 2016 fiscal year.

Additionally, donor support for UW is on the rise. This fiscal year saw an increase of nearly 4,000 donors compared to the previous year, challenging the national trend of declining donor numbers at public institutions.

"We're excited to share this year's notable fundraising success but even more so to acknowledge our donors who stepped up in ever-increasing numbers," says Mary Shafer-Malicki, outgoing chair of the foundation board. "With their investment, we are creating a bright future for our students, faculty and programs at the University of Wyoming. Go Pokes!"

Key leadership gifts this year include $4 million from philanthropist couple Ann Pickard and Dan Smith for first-generation students and literacy across the state. A gift of $2.5 million from the McMurry Foundation benefits the UW Athletics Difference Makers Campaign to enhance War Memorial Stadium and boost the competitive edge of UW's student-athletes.

A gift of $2.5 million from Art and Catherine Nicholas, Wyoming ranchers and investors who own Wagonhound Land & Livestock near Douglas, creates the Wyoming Ranching Excellence Fund for the UW College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources. Their gift was doubled to $5 million by a state matching investment from the Wyoming Legislature.

"Raising more than $60 million for the second consecutive year is a testament to the unwavering support of the entire UW community, including our academic partners whose growing commitment to building a culture of philanthropy on campus has been essential to this success," says John Stark, president and CEO of the UW Foundation. "This success not only enhances UW's ability to deliver world-class education to our students and support faculty excellence, but also drives economic growth and innovation throughout the state."

In the 2024 fiscal year, $15.5 million of new bequest commitments were pledged to the university during the same period.

UW Annual Giving raised $12.2 million, up from $10.5 million the previous year. These are unrestricted gifts that provide discretionary funding for academic and athletics programs across campus. These funds are important because they can support those areas that are most promising or most pressing.

The annual giving total also includes $3.6 million raised in just one day -- UW Giving Day -- from 8,976 donors in 50 states and 13 countries. UW Giving Day is an annual celebration of philanthropy. Donors come together to support programs large and small across campus and across the state. In the 2024 fiscal year, the event took place Oct. 25-26, noon to noon.

What these giving totals mean for UW students and the faculty, staff and programs that support them are discretionary dollars that provide a steady and dependable stream of income -- funds that allow colleges and units to budget from one year to the next.

This year also saw $11 million from foundations and nonprofits, including $1.6 million from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust to the UW College of Health Sciences to train Wyoming health care professionals on state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment as part of a statewide ultrasound initiative.

This foundation total also includes $1 million from the John P. Ellbogen Foundation for the new Nuclear Energy Research Center in the School of Energy Resources and $850,000 from the Mellon Foundation to gather and archive stories of everyday Wyomingites.

Moreover, corporate contributions exceeded $5 million this year, bolstered by significant donations from NextEra, Williams, Tallgrass Energy and UniWyo Credit Union, among others.

UW and the UW Foundation continue to build on their strong strategic partnerships, matching donors' passions with university priorities. Founded in 1962, the UW Foundation is an independent, nonprofit corporation dedicated to securing, managing and stewarding private gifts in support of the university's missions in teaching, research and public service.

In addition to its fundraising responsibilities to support the university, the UW Foundation and its Board of Directors oversee the university's private investment assets. To further this mission, the UW Foundation established an internal investment team in 2019, launching a new era of financial management.

"In the end, it's UW donors who can take pride in the impact of their philanthropy on the University of Wyoming," John Stark says.