IREC - Interstate Renewable Energy Council Inc.

09/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/30/2024 20:16

IREC Supports Solar Training at Local Unions

Solar Training at the Carpenters International Training Center in Las Vegas, NV.
Photo courtesy of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters

Training and certification are central to developing a robust clean energy workforce to meet growing demand. IREC is helping local unions train a qualified solar-plus-storage workforce by covering the initial annual fee for up to 100 union training centers to become North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) Registered Training Providers. This initiative is supported through the Solar Ready Vets Network™, a program funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technology Office.

NABCEP is the leading personnel certification body for the clean energy industry. As a partner in the Solar Ready Vets Network, NABCEP has established certification pathways tailored to veterans, and has worked to ensure costs associated with certification are reimbursable through the GI Bill® and the Department of Defense's Credentialing Opportunities Online (COOL) program. By supporting local unions to become NABCEP Registered Training Providers, IREC aims to expand the use of labor unions by contractors working across the solar industry, and promote union pathways for veterans and other workers seeking high road clean energy careers.

"Unions play a key role in the expansion of clean energy and fulfilling the promise of good jobs in the industry," shares Richard Lawrence, Senior Director of Workforce & Industry Engagement at IREC. "But," he goes on to say, "a barrier to labor unions signing up more solar contractors is the perception by many in the industry that, while they have strong fundamental skills in a particular trade, relatively few union workers currently have the specialized knowledge and skills in solar, energy storage, and other clean energy technologies that they are looking for." Being a NABCEP Registered Training Provider is the clearest way for local unions to show that they are providing technology specific training to their members that is aligned with industry recognized credentials.

As NABCEP Registered Training Providers, unions can help individuals meet the education requirements to qualify to take NABCEP certification exams. NABCEP certification demonstrates to contractors that local union members have the necessary skills for completing complex solar projects, and provides a competitive advantage when pursuing project labor agreements and attracting signatory contractors.

Unions across the country are already realizing the benefits of becoming Registered Training Providers with NABCEP. The United Brotherhood of Carpenters (UBC) recently instituted a "train the trainer" model to provide local carpenters unions with the curriculum and instruction necessary to qualify their members for theNABCEP Photovoltaic Associate (PVA) credential, which covers fundamental principles of design, installation and operation of solar systems. Beginning in August, instructional leaders from local unions came to the Carpenters International Training Center in Las Vegas to be trained in solar instruction so in turn, they could implement solar curriculum at training centers across the country.

"When our membership goes to a solar farm or a solar installation they know the nomenclature, they know the procedures, they are already familiar and aware…they are ahead of the game, day one," states Alfonso Bastidos, Technical Coordinator at the Carpenter's International Training Fund.

Another benefit UBC has seen is that more individuals who are interested in the solar industry are joining their union. Individuals who are interested in solar have a pathway through the UBC that provides benefits, job security, and a multitude of career opportunities.

"Education is power and it's going to create opportunities for the entire workforce and grow the market share of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters," shares Tony Janowski, Renewable Energy Director for Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council, highlighting the importance of collaboration between their organization and the solar industry. "This is not a job, but a career pathway with the UBC. Having multiple avenues to succeed is not only going to benefit the individual but also their family and communities and how they give back."

In Chicago, Local 134 of theInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) has been a NABCEP Registered Training Provider for close to twenty years. Local 134 originally registered in order to offer additional credentials to its members and support NABCEP's mission to raise standards for the installation of PV systems. By increasing the number of credentials and certifications that members can receive, Local 134 members become more competitive candidates for jobs and contracts.

"Since 2005, over 500 IBEW members in Illinois have achieved the NABCEP PV Associate credential," said Robert Hattier, the Director of Renewable Energy at Local 134 and a Subject Matter Expert and Curriculum Developer for the Electrical Training Alliance. "These credentials have assisted in members securing employment with contractors installing systems throughout the Midwest…By maintaining our curriculum to technology changes and industry best practices, our qualified workforce is better prepared for a continuously evolving industry and our involvement with NABCEP highlights our commitment to the PV industry."

The fundamentals of solar are thoroughly integrated into IBEW curriculum. In Local 134's case, the 60-hour Photovoltaic Systems class that includes hands-on installation is offered for Year 2 apprentices, or for journey-level electricians, as a continuing education class. Additionally, next year, all new classes in the Electrical Training Alliance PV Systems curriculum will be updated and tied to a NABCEP Job Task Analysis.

The clean energy industry is at a pivotal point in the growth of its workforce, where skilled, knowledgeable professionals are needed for the increasing number of solar jobs necessary to meet decarbonization goals. The solar industry has continued to grow every year - The U.S. solar industryaccounted for 279,447 jobsas of December 2023, marking a 5.9% increase from 2022 with 15,564 jobs added, according to the IREC 2023 Solar Job Census. Additionally, union representation has increased to 13.4% within the solar industry with a 3% increase between 2022 and 2023.The growth in both gigawatts installed and total jobs highlights the ongoing necessity for skilled, trained professionals within the industry.

NABCEP Registered Training Providers have the advantage of increased visibility with both job seekers and contractors. In addition to a listing onNABCEP's training directory, unions registered with NABCEP will be invited to join IREC's new Green Workforce Connect platform.

IREC is providing free training provider registration with NABCEP for up to 100 local unions. More information is available here. Any union, or joint apprenticeship training committee, looking to take advantage of this opportunity should contact Ursula Abrams, Operations Manager at NABCEP, at [email protected].

Claire Laurentine

Claire Laurentine is a Program Manager within the Workforce Development team at IREC. Claire is passionate about environmental justice, renewable energy, and making the clean energy space more equitable, diverse, and accessible.