Memex Inc.

06/19/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/19/2024 15:26

Revolutionizing Manufacturing: Embracing Efficiency and Innovation

The cost of manufacturing is a complex equation that integrates the labor burdened rate and inventory burdened rate. For every dollar spent on wages, an additional twenty-five cents or 25% is incurred as the burdened cost. This figure reflects the comprehensive expenses of employing workers, encompassing not only their wages but also benefits, taxes, and other related costs.

The Hidden Costs of Unproductive Time

Every minute of unproductive time during scheduled shifts accumulates costs, representing wasted resources and lost potential. Idle time can result from various factors such as machine breakdowns, lack of materials, or inefficient workflows. This unproductive time directly impacts the bottom line, inflating operational expenses without contributing to output.

The Dangers of Excessive WIP Inventory

Unsold inventory is unrealized revenue, but Work In Progress (WIP) inventory is particularly detrimental. Extensive WIP ties up capital and incurs ongoing expenses. When items linger in various production stages without progressing to finished goods, it indicates inefficiencies that slow down the overall workflow. This bottleneck leads to delays and resource wastage, further exacerbating the cost problem.

The Need for a Paradigm Shift

Manufacturers must recognize that incremental improvements can lead to substantial gains in sellable goods, delivery times, and overall cost reduction. This requires a shift from traditional cost accounting to throughput accounting. Throughput accounting focuses on maximizing the rate at which the system generates money through sales, thus highlighting the importance of efficient production processes.

Championing Efficiency and Innovation

Management must consciously embrace this paradigm shift and assign a champion to identify and correct micro stoppages and process inefficiencies. By evaluating value streams and correcting unbalanced allocations, manufacturers can streamline operations and enhance productivity. Engaging operators and educating them on efficient processes, tools, and regimens is crucial for sustaining these improvements.

Learning from the Leaders

Over the past 70 years, continuous improvement strategies have been championed by global manufacturing leaders like Toyota. However, many North American manufacturers chose to outsource operations overseas, seeking lower labor costs. Now, the trend of reshoring manufacturing back to America underscores the critical importance of being lean and efficient.

The Promise of Smart Systems

Modern smart systems like MERLIN offer a platform to integrate traditional ERP, MES, QC, and maintenance systems. These flexible and adaptable systems can respond to changing conditions, capturing and identifying complex scenarios for corrective action. Unlike simple monitoring systems that can lead to inflexible and limited improvements, smart systems provide actionable information for comprehensive and sustainable advancements.

Addressing the Skills Gap

Manufacturers often face challenges in finding skilled personnel and engineers. Forward-thinking companies are engaging continuous improvement engineering firms on short-term contracts to help select and marshal internal resource teams. These teams address issues and implement changes, resulting in rapid and long-lasting payback through demonstrated new strategies based on accurate, actionable information from smart systems.

The Future of American Manufacturing

Over the next decade, we will witness a transformation as old, inefficient companies are replaced by lean, efficient, and profitable manufacturers. The era of outsourcing production is drawing to a close. The future of American manufacturing hinges on today's executive management, who must empower their teams and embrace technological advancements.

These executives, familiar with technology from their upbringing, can no longer cite lack of adoption due to resistance to change. The new management must embrace the spirit of the industrial revolution, driving their companies toward innovation and efficiency. Playing it safe will only result in being left behind, trailing in the competitive landscape.

In conclusion, the path to revitalizing American manufacturing lies in committing to revolutionary change, leveraging smart systems, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. By doing so, US companies can reclaim their position as global leaders in manufacturing, driving economic growth and industrial prowess into the future.

- Womack, J.P., Jones, D.T., & Roos, D. (1990). *The Machine That Changed the World: The Story of Lean Production*. Harper Perennial.
- Liker, J.K. (2004). *The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer*. McGraw-Hill.
- Goldratt, E.M., & Cox, J. (1984). *The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement*. North River Press.


Tim Smith