BSE - Baku Stock Exchange

06/28/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/28/2024 02:41

'Opening Call' event of 'AccessBank' CJSC bonds was held at the Baku Stock Exchange

On June 28, 2024, the next "Opening Call" event at the Baku Stock Exchange was organized on the occasion of the launch of AccessBank's manat bonds for trading on the capital market.

Thus, AccessBank issues new financial instruments in local currency on the capital market. The placement of the bank's bonds in the amount of 5,000,000 (five million) manats was started with the opening bell event.

Note that the nominal value of each of the offered bonds is 1000 manats, the annual interest rate is 10%, the payment period is every 30 days, and the circulation period is 18 months. The underwriter for the placement of undocumented, named, bond interest, unsecured bonds is ABB-Invest Investment Company.

At the end of the event, representatives of the issuer - AccessBank, Baku Stock Exchange and IBB-Invest Investment Company - rang a bell symbolizing the release of bonds to the primary market. Thus, bonds have been traded on the trading platform of the Baku Stock Exchange.