The President of Russia

06/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/21/2024 09:56

Meeting with graduates of higher military schools

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrades officers, friends.

Beginning this ceremony, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the successful completion of your studies, a truly significant and pivotal stage in your life.

You have successfully completed your education at prestigious universities affiliated with the Ministry of Defence, the Emergencies Ministry, law enforcement agencies, and special services. You have inherited the legacy of many generations of your predecessors, and I am confident that you are fully prepared to tackle important tasks in ensuring the security of the Motherland.

Traditionally, we celebrate the top graduates of military academies, institutes, and universities in the St George Hall of the Moscow Kremlin. This hall stands as a symbol and guardian of our nation's military glory. Here, one can deeply sense the inseparable bond between the history of our army and Russia itself, embodying sovereign strength, greatness, and victories that will forever be cherished in the grateful memory of our people.

We hold dear every chapter of our nation's military history, honouring the names of heroes who spared no effort for the sake of its freedom and future.

In times of great battles, the legendary traditions of our military academy were forged, shaping the enduring qualities that define our soldiers, from the lowest ranks to the marshals. These include a love for our Motherland, unparalleled resilience, and courage. These traits determined the outcomes of battles and wars, repeatedly shaping the destiny of our Fatherland, while fostering cohesion and unity among our people, uniting the frontlines and the home front.

In just a few days, we will mark a significant and unforgettable event: the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi occupation. Recently, I had the opportunity to discuss this with the President of Belarus. This daring and monumental operation was famously named Operation Bagration in honour of our esteemed commander, a hero renowned from Suvorov's campaigns to the Patriotic War of 1812. Soviet forces acted with boldness and professionalism, swiftly and decisively advancing and defeating an enemy force of hundreds of thousands. The road to liberating Europe from Nazism was paved through the courage and valour of our soldiers and commanders, marking a crucial stride toward the Great Victory.

Today, the descendants of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War proudly uphold and continue the military traditions of our Motherland. They steadfastly defend our sovereignty and security, protect our territories and citizens in Donbass and Novorossiya from neo-Nazis, prove in practice that our Armed Forces and its pillars - the officer corps and centuries-old cohesion and unity of our multiethnic country - is as an unstoppable force.

To be continued.

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Published in sections: News, Transcripts

Publication date: June 21, 2024, 15:40

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