Robin Kelly

07/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/21/2024 16:52

‘I am deeply grateful for President Biden’s service’

WASHINGTON- Congresswoman Robin Kelly (IL-02) released the statement following President Joe Biden's announcement that he will not run for reelection:

"I am deeply grateful for President Biden's service to this country. He is a historic leader who has healed our democracy from the damages left by the former President. When President Biden took office, COVID-19 was taking thousands of lives and people didn't know who to look to for leadership. President Biden stepped into the Oval Office, got vaccines in arms, and gave us hope that we'd come out better on the other side of the pandemic.

"President Biden will always deliver for the American people. He increased jobs and wages, took action against gun violence, fought to protect reproductive rights, invested in our infrastructure - and united people for a better nation. I am confident he will continue to serve as a great President."