FAO Liaison Office in New York

09/23/2024 | Press release | Archived content

UNGA79 SUMMIT OF THE FUTURE Interactive dialogue 4: The Future Starts Now: enhancing the global system for current and future generations Statement

UNGA79 SUMMIT OF THE FUTURE Interactive dialogue 4: The Future Starts Now: enhancing the global system for current and future generations Statement

by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General



Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Colleagues,

Our dialogue today is entitled "The Future Starts Now."

However, the future actually started yesterday and is history!

Our future is shaped by our past actions, especially with regard to food security, development status, and climate.

Because these issues are inter-generational and call us to do better, and to avoid the mistakes of the past.

Since 2015, hunger has been on the rise, with 133 million more people experiencing chronic hunger.

Children born into these conditions will pay the price throughout their lives.

Decades of relying on fossil fuels to power our economies and extensive development models contributed to the climate crisis we see today.

How do we make our future better?

The FAO strategy is clear and is founded on the notion of the "Four Betters" to transform our agrifood systems: Better Production, Better Nutrition, a Better Environment, and a Better Life - leaving on one behind.

The transformation of global agrifood systems to be more efficient, more inclusive, more resilient and more sustainable is one of the six transitions identified by the UN.

Our vision is clear: ensuring we have healthy foods for all, today and tomorrow.

This requires tackling the interlinked challenges of achieving SDG2 (Zero Hunger), eliminating poverty (SDG1) and growing equally, while addressing the impacts of the climate crisis.

To make this vision a reality, FAO has shared a global roadmap, which calls for us to work hand in hand to breakdown silos within and across government, institutions and agencies. We need a cross-cutting portfolio of actions to change the system - to change the business model.

In the Roadmap, we have grouped these solutions into 10 domains and 120 actions.

We must continue to find new and better solutions through innovation and wisdom.

International coordination is critical to ensure the effective use of resources.

We must work together in an effective, efficient and coherent manner.

It IS possible to feed everyone better on this planet with 10 billion people by 2050, while still protecting our environment.

The right to food is a basic human right.

A better future starts with solutions and actions.

Thank you.