Port of Galveston - Board of Trustees of the Galveston Wharves

07/29/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/29/2024 17:20

Galveston Breaks Ground on $90M in Cargo Improvements

GALVESTON, TX (July 30, 2024) - The Galveston Wharves has kicked off more than $90 million in phased construction work to improve and expand its West Port Cargo Complex and grow its cargo business. The groundbreaking ceremony on July 24 marked the beginning of major infrastructure work set to be completed in 2026.

Funded by port revenues and a $36 million state grant, the work will add 30 acres of cargo-handling area and a new 1,424-long berth. The port will enclose two outdated slips and demolish a decommissioned grain elevator to open up more land for cargo, particularly roll-on/roll-off and wind turbine pieces.

Rodger Rees, Galveston Wharves port director and CEO, said in his remarks, "This is the first time in more than 50 years that the port has made this kind of investment in our cargo infrastructure. We're able to fund this work thanks to the tremendous growth of our cruise business and the historic state funding allocated for port infrastructure improvements."

Rees went on to recognize the many port partners who played a role in the port's progress, including the Texas Department of Transportation Maritime Division and the International Longshoremen's Union, as well as state and federal officials and the port's cargo tenants.

Mayor Craig Brown commented, "This is a great day for Galveston. Not only are we kicking off more than $90 million in cargo infrastructure improvements, the port is beginning construction this summer on its fourth cruise terminal, a $151 million investment in the port's future.

"That's a total of almost $250 million. This is a phenomenal milestone for our 199-year-old port and for the city of Galveston."

About the Port of Galveston

Located at the entrance to Galveston Bay and the Houston Ship Channel, the Port of Galveston has been a thriving maritime commercial center since 1825. Just 45 minutes from open seas, the 840-acre port has infrastructure and assets to serve growing cruise, cargo and commercial businesses.

The port is the fourth most popular cruise home port in the U.S. The port also leases and maintains a wide range of cargo facilities on the deep-water Galveston Harbor, which is ranked among the top 50 busiest U.S. cargo waterways. The Galveston Wharves is a self-sustaining city entity whose mission is to generate and reinvest port revenues to benefit the Galveston community with economic growth, jobs and sales tax revenues.

MEDIA CONTACT: Kathy Thomas, Galveston Wharves Communications, [email protected]