Barbara Lee

09/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 13:11

Lee, DeLauro, Peterson Introduce Resolution Highlighting Diaper Need Awareness Week

September 26, 2024

Lee, DeLauro, Peterson Introduce Resolution Highlighting Diaper Need Awareness Week

WASHINGTON-Today, U.S. Representatives Barbara Lee (CA-12), Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), and Brittany Pettersen (CO-07) introduced a resolution designating September 23-29 as National Diaper Need Awareness Week. National Diaper Need Awareness Week recognize the importance of clean, affordable diapers to infant health and family well-being.

"Diaper need is an invisible part of poverty in America," said Congresswoman Lee. "Low-income families spend around 14% of their income on diapers. That is unacceptable. If we are to be a country that prioritizes the health of our children, then we must provide diapers to the millions of children in need. I am proud to introduce this bill to help ensure that everyday parents have the resources they need to support their kids."

"Our nation thrives when our children do," said Congresswoman DeLauro. "Families deserve to have access to affordable diapers so they can ensure healthy outcomes for their babies and families. I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing a resolution hailing Diaper Need Awareness Week. I am committed to ensuring families have all the resources they need to support their children."

"Diapers are one of the most essential items a family needs, but nearly half of Colorado families face challenges in providing enough diapers to their children," said Congresswoman Pettersen. "Not having a reliable stock of diapers can impact everything from a child's health and safety to a parent's ability to go to work every day. National Diaper Need Awareness Week will serve as an important time to recommit to ensuring every family has access to the diapers they need to keep their children healthy and safe."