CGIAR System Organization - Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers

09/16/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/16/2024 08:21

SAPLING supports implementation of Vietnam’s National Target Program in Mai Son District

Phase I of the CGIAR Initiative on Sustainable Animal Productivity (SAPLING) in Vietnam is set to end in 2024. One of its expected outcomes is to enable more than 5,000 livestock producers in Vietnam in two value chains (beef cattle and pig), to adopt SAPLING's innovations, resulting in a 10-15% increase in livestock productivity. In order to reach more farmers, SAPLING not only works with farmer groups but also collaborates with national programs in the study area.

National Target Program (NTP)

One of the programs that SAPLING collaborates with is Vietnam's 2021-2030 National Target Program (NTP) for socioeconomic development in ethnic minorities and mountainous areas. The NTP, which was approved by Vietnam's prime minister according to Decision No. 1719/QD-TTg, aims to improve the economic development, infrastructure, education, health, and culture of these regions, as well as reduce poverty and promote gender equality. It consists of sub-projects with different priorities, including developing agricultural and forestry production, and promoting the potential and strengths of the region to produce agricultural products goods from key value chains. The program is being implemented in two phases: Phase I (2021- 2025) and Phase II (2026 - 2030).

In Phase I, Mai Son District, where SAPLING initiative is being implemented, was allocated VND 19 billion (~USD 0.76 million) under NTP to develop agriculture and forestry value chains. However, difficulties arose in implementing the program due to complicated procedures to comply with regulations from Son La Province and the NTP. As a consequence, by July 2024, the district had not found a way to move forward with the national program.

SAPLING's support to Mai Son District to implement the NTP

A study tour to Yen Son District, Tuyen Quang Province, was conducted to provided valuable lessons for farmer groups and local authorities in Mai Son District, on how to successfully support and implement value chain linkage models in such national programs. As a result, the Mai Son District People's Committee instructed communes to implement the community production development support projects as part of the NTP, with a focus on developing livestock value chains such as cattle, horses, and goats.

SAPLING has been assisting Mai Son authorities in implementing the program to establish and improve livestock value chains in the district. The initiative has provided support in planning, implementation, and technical assistance, including creating a detailed work plan and conducting training sessions for stakeholders to write proposals that meet NTP requirements. The program's work in Mai Son will serve as a model for 10 other districts in Son La Province facing similar challenges.

Training for district and community leaders on the proper procedures for implementing the NTP (Photo credit: Thinh Nguyen/ILRI)

Way forward

The Mai Son District People's Committee sent a letter to ILRI, The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, and the SAPLING initiative on 14 August 2024, recognizing their contributions and seeking further support. The letter outlined potential collaboration areas for implementing Phase I and planning for Phase 2 of the NTA in the district. These include improving livestock value chains, providing technical training for farmers, implementing QR codes for livestock management, supporting community groups in selling products, and organizing workshops to share experiences with other regions. Such collaboration will create opportunities for joint efforts and co-investment between SAPLING and local authorities to improve the livelihoods of livestock producers in the future.

Official letter from Mai Son District People's Committee requesting SAPLING's support for the implementation of the NTP

"This letter reflects the significant policy influence that SAPLING has had on local policies. It also changed my perspective as a project officer on how projects can better collaborate with local programs and policies to increase their impact," said Thinh Nguyen - local focal point of SAPLING's work package 4 on competitive livestock value chains.

SAPLING is one of 32 CGIAR initiatives designed to achieve a world with sustainable and resilient food, land, and water systems. Its goal is to deliver more diverse, healthy, safe, sufficient, and affordable diets and ensure improved livelihoods and greater social equality within planetary and regional environmental boundaries. In Vietnam, one of its seven focus countries (others are Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Nepal, Tanzania, and Uganda), the initiative is implemented by ILRI and the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT.

Read more:

SAPLING support transforming livelihoods through livestock farmer groups in northwest Vietnam - CGIAR

Mai Son study tour identifies successes and opportunities for sustainable livestock farming in northwest Vietnam - CGIAR