SI - Satrec Initiative Co. Ltd.

07/29/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/29/2024 00:30

Contract for Sales or Supply

Report of Disclosure Revision
Revision Date 2024-07-29
1. Disclosure Documents in relation with Revision 조기경보 탑재체 제작
2. Submission date of documents 2024-01-02
3. Reason for Revision 계약금액 감액
4. Revised Information
information before revision after revision
2. 계약내역
- 확정 계약금액(원)
- 계약금액 총액(원)
- 매출액 대비(%)
계약내용 일부 변경에 따른 계약금액 감액
Contract for Sales or Supply
1. Details of Contract 조기경보 탑재체 제작
2. Details of Contract Conditional contract No
Fixed contract amout(KRW) 15,030,120,000
Conditional contract amount(KRW) -
Total amount of contract(KRW) 15,030,120,000
Total Sales in the Latest Fiscal Year(KRW) 91,357,563,655
Ratio to Sales(%) 16.45
3. Other Parties to the Contract 국방과학연구소
-Total Sales in the Latest Fiscal Year(KRW) -
-Main business 연구개발
-Relationship to Issuer 관계없음
-Fulfillment of a similar contract with Issuer for the last three years No
4. Sales Territory /Market 대한민국
5. Contracted Period From 2023-12-29
To 2028-02-29
6. Conditions of Contract 1. 계약방법: 일반개산계약
2. 대금지급조건
- 선급금 지급
- 납품(분할납품) 및 검사가 완료된 후 공급자의 청구에 의함
3. 하자보증기간: 납품 후 1년
7. Sales or Supply Method Oneself production Yes
Outside production No
Other Production -
8. Contract Date 2023-12-29
9. Contents of Non-Disclosure Period of Non-Disclosure -
Reason for Non-Disclosure -
10. Other references concerning investment decisions
- 2항 계약내역의 확정 계약금액 및 계약금액 총액은 부가가치세를 제외한 금액임
- 2항 계약내역의 최근 매출액은 2022년 연결재무제표 기준임
- 3항 계약상대방은 정부출연 연구기관으로 최근 매출액을 표시하지 않음
※ Title and date of other disclosure related to this one 2024-01-02 단일판매ㆍ공급계약체결