The Office of the Governor of the State of Wisconsin

09/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 10:16

Gov. Evers, WisDOT Announce Over $10 Million to Support 11 Projects Aimed at Improving Air Quality, Reducing Congestion Through Transportation Projects

Press Release: Gov. Evers, WisDOT Announce Over $10 Million to Support 11 Projects Aimed at Improving Air Quality, Reducing Congestion Through Transportation Projects

State of Wisconsin sent this bulletin at 09/26/2024 05:00 AM CDT
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 26, 2024
Contact: [email protected]
Gov. Evers, WisDOTAnnounceOver $10 Million to Support 11 Projects Aimed at Improving Air Quality, Reducing CongestionThrough Transportation Projects
Federal investment tosupport projectsacross Wisconsin, including smart traffic signals, a bike share program,and trail upgrades
MADISON -Gov. Tony Evers, with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT),today announced more than $10million in federal funding toreduce air pollutionand traffic congestion in Wisconsin. This announcement builds upon the Evers Administration'sinvestments in clean energy and infrastructure to helpmitigatethe effects of climate change, improvethe health and well-being of communities across the state,andlowerlong-term energy costs. Today's announcement comesas Gov. Evers proclaimedSept.23 through Sept.27, 2024, as National Clean Energy Week. A copy of the proclamation is available here.

"Protecting our environment and promoting road safety, infrastructure reliability, and economic development are not mutually exclusive goals, and innovative programs like this are a vital part of how we connect those dots," said Gov. Evers. "Working together with our federal and local partners, we're working to build stronger, more resilient communities across Wisconsin and improve the everyday lives of Wisconsinites."

"By reducing traffic congestion, folks spend less time on the road, save money on fuel, and produce less air pollution," said U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin(D-Wisconsin). "I was proud to fight for this funding because I knew it would make a difference for Wisconsin communities-helping our families breathe cleaner air while making our roads safer and more efficient for families, commuters, and Made in Wisconsin goods traveling to market."

The federal Congestion Mitigation andAir Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program is administered by WisDOTto assist eligible Wisconsin countiesin implementing transportation solutionsthatimprove air quality. Funds can be used for projects that improve traffic flow, add intersectionsor turn lanes, or enhance roadway mobility.Efforts to upgrade public transit, bicycleand pedestrian facilities,and ridesharing programs are also covered by CMAQ.

"This program canbea key mechanism inhelping reduce traffic congestion while assisting urbanareas in improving air quality," said WisDOT Secretary Kristina Boardman. "These improvements will not only provide transportation options that help reduce regulated emissions but can also help to reduce travel delays and address real-time traffic issues that communities are experiencing."

CMAQ funds are only available to eligible countiesin Southeast and Northeast Wisconsin. CMAQ is a reimbursement program that provides an 80 percent federal cost share for eligible project costs. A complete list of the 11 projects receivingfunding can be found here. During the 2024-2028 CMAQ cycle, WisDOT received project proposals from the southeast region of Wisconsin.

WisDOT's application for the 2025-2028 Supplemental Program Cycle is open until Mon., Sept. 30, 2024, at 5 p.m. The CMAQ application materials, including application instructionsand guidelines, are available on the WisDOT website here.

Gov. Evers has made fixing Wisconsin's roads a top priority, and the Evers Administration has improved more than 7,400 miles of road and 1,780 bridges since 2019, including over 900 miles of road and over 200 bridges in 2023 alone. Additionalinformation on the Evers Administration's efforts, including additionalsupport from the Biden-Harris Administration, to fix roads and bridges in rural areas and communities, expand transportation alternatives, and modernize Wisconsin's infrastructure, including expanding passenger rail service, supporting lead service line replacement projects,and building out electric vehicle charging is available here.
An online version of this release is available here.
Office of the Governor • 115 East Capitol, Madison, WI 53702
Press Office Email: [email protected]