Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd.

07/08/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/07/2024 19:08

2024/07/08 MOL, MOLMEC Offer New Training Courses for Offshore Vessels Using Dynamic Positioning Simulators

Top Page > Information > MOL, MOLMEC Offer New Training Courses for Offshore Vessels Using Dynamic Positioning Simulators

July 08, 2024

TOKYO-Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Takeshi Hashimoto) and MOL Marine & Engineering Co., Ltd. (MOLMEC; President: Kazuhiko Kikuchi; Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo) are pleased to announce the launch of a comprehensive suite of simulator-based new training courses tailored specifically for offshore vessels involved in offshore wind farm development. These courses will leverage MOL's state-of-the-art Dynamic Positioning (DP) Simulator (Note 1) (Table 1) to provide realistic and immersive training experiences. With this initiative, MOL and MOLMEC are committed to supporting the development of skills essential for the safe operation of vessels that play a crucial role in offshore wind energy projects.

The new courses are designed for a broad audience, including MOL Group seafarers, crew members from other companies, and individuals without seafarer's licenses. By focusing on the unique challenges of offshore operations, these training programs aim to enhance the safety and efficiency of specialized vessels engaged in the growing offshore wind power sector.

(Table 1) [Training Course of Offshore Vessels]

These new training courses have been developed independently under the Offshore Wind Power Human Resource Development Project. This project is subsidized by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, a branch of Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Additionally, these courses have received official certification from Class NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai), confirming their adherence to high standards in maritime education and training.

MOL has set the target of achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050 under the "MOL Group Environmental Vision 2.2 " and will contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions not only by itself but also by society as a whole through the promotion of renewable energy and other businesses to create a sustainable world.

(Note 1) MOL & MOLMEC to Introduce Training Programs for SEP and SOV Crew - Contributing to Safe Operation of Offshore Wind Power Projects -

(Note 2) DPS automatically calculates external forces such as wind, wave, swell and tidal currents to maintain a vessel at a fixed point or navigate a set route with precision. It is indispensable for cable-laying ships, offshore wind power-related special-purpose vessels and seabed oil field-related offshore vessels, which must maintain their position precisely at a fixed point to do their work.

MOL and MOLMEC installed a DP simulator on the lobby floor of MOL Head Office in June 2022 and are offering six DP operator training courses using the simulator. (Table 2) This training facility is the first in Japan accredited by the Nautical Institute (NI; headquarters: U.K.) and can issue DP training certificates essential for acquiring a DP operator's license.

(Table 2) [The Nautical Institute certification course]

Please refer to the following press release for more information on DP training.

(1) March 14, 2022
MOL Group to Install Simulator with Dynamic Positioning System at MOL Head Office - Simulator will provide sophisticated Dynamic Positioning Training for special purpose DP ships for various Offshore Development Projects such as Cable-laying Ships and Offshore Wind Power Projects - | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (

(2) June 7, 2022
MOL Opens Training Center for Dynamic Positioning System
- Japan's First Training Center Certified by a Third-party Organization for Training on Offshore Development-related Special-purpose Vessels -|Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (

(3) October 18, 2022 MOLMEC press release
MOLMEC to Expand Dynamic Positioning Training Course - Offering Offshore Wind Power-related Training for Various Ship Types -

(4) February 6, 2023
2 MOL Group Projects Selected for Japanese Government-backed Offshore Wind Power Human Resource Development Program - Installation of Training Facility in Kitakyushu and Expansion of Dynamic Positioning System Training Courses - | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (

(5) February 17, 2023
New Training Courses Offered by MOL Group, Essential for Offshore Wind Power Projects Receives ClassNK's Basic Approval - Expanded Training Course for Marine Development-related Specialty Vessels Using Dynamic Positioning Simulator - | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (

(6) June 13, 2023
MOL Group Accepts First Trainees from Overseas at MOL Dynamic Positioning Training Center (MOL DPTC)
-Contributing to the Development of Taiwan's Offshore Wind Power Industry- | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (

(7) October 11, 2023
MOL & MOLMEC to Introduce Training Programs for SEP and SOV Crew - Contributing to Safe Operation of Offshore Wind Power Projects - | Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (

MOL Group 5 Sustainability Issues
MOL Group identifies "Sustainability Issues" (Materiality) as our key issues for sustainable growth with society through realization of the Group Vision.
We anticipate this initiative to contribute especially to the realization of "Safety & Value -Provide added value through safe transportation and our social infrastructure business-", "Environment -Conservation for Marine and global environment-", "Human & Community -Contributing to the growth and development of people and communities-", and "Innovation -Innovation for development in marine technology-".