DLA - Defense Logistics Agency

09/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/03/2024 15:55

Warfighter Connection: How Aviation supports the Space Force


The increasing significance of space operations to national security has positioned the newly established U.S. Space Force as a critical branch of the military, and the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation plays a vital role in the effectiveness of their mission.

Aviation currently ensures critical parts for launch vehicles, satellites and other operational tools are readily available by managing an extensive inventory of aerospace components and maintaining a robust supply chain. This helps to reduce downtime and enhance the Space Force's mission readiness.

To further this process, DLA Aviation has assigned a designated weapon systems program manager, or WSPM, to provide dedicated support specifically to Space Force weapon systems throughout their logistical lifecycle.

"The WSPM works closely with Space Force program managers, ensuring a collaborative effort is made when managing the supply chain for repair parts," said Ronnie Boyd, Aviation Nuclear Enterprise Support Office operations officer. "Our WSPM helps the Space Force remain ready for action today while ensuring long-term, strategic support of weapon systems. He also makes sure DLA personnel working on related tasks stay on schedule and quickly report any issues up the chain for resolution."

Some of the responsibilities of the WSPM include but are not limited to leading Integrated Process Team meetings, sometimes multi-disciplinary, to understand their logistical needs; briefing the Program Managers on DLA support; visiting the different sites to see their operations firsthand while also offering training opportunities on life cycle management; conducting comprehensive analysis and forecasting to anticipate the needs of the Space Force; and enabling proactive support to mitigate potential disruptions.

DLA Headquarters' Nuclear Enterprise Support Office also has an embedded Space Force liaison officer at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado Springs, Colorado, to help boost the branch's operational readiness. The liaison coordinates activities and communication on matters of mutual concern between the agency and the Space Force.

In addition, Aviation uses the DLA Headquarters' Weapon System Readiness Program, established by Congress in 1982, to fund research and development for small businesses that can help Space Force units overcome the challenges of obsolescence, diminishing manufacturing sources and material shortages.

"Being that the Space Force is still a fairly new branch of service, knowing its true demands and requirements can be a challenge despite the systems in place being very reliable," said Darryl Hall Sr., Aviation Space Force WSPM. "Oftentimes, this creates a low volume of orders/demands.".

To mitigate the issue, DLA worked with the Space Force to create a performance-based agreement as the foundation for support to the service. Hall said the agreement should be signed and effective within the coming months.

"Under the PBA, the Space Force will determine and provide DLA a list of their critical assets, and a framework will be established for the enduring exchange of information needed to help ensure our Guardians get everything they need to succeed."