European External Action Service

09/26/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 23:31

Walking, cycling and public transport: the European Mobility Week inspires green, sustainable solutions


Walking, cycling and public transport: the European Mobility Week inspires green, sustainable solutions

Mobility in dynamic spaces of cities is key in shaping our futures. Do you drive to work, use public transportation, cycle, or walk? Are there enough bike lanes in your city? Are the pavements user-friendly? Has sustainable transport infrastructure is in place?


"Cycling is a very convenient means of transport. I can reach my destination without getting stuck in traffic. I feel good psychologically and physiologically when I am riding a bicycle. Cycling reduces traffic and air pollution. I also believe that by cycling, I am raising awareness and encouraging others to use bicycles. It's a very rewarding experience," says Ezgi Görgü, an employee in Istanbul.

Ezgi believes that awareness-raising events on sustainable urban mobility are important. She has been cycling almost everywhere for the past four years and encourages everyone to take up cycling, not only for personal health but also for the health of the planet.

For the health and future of the world


Gül Nalıncı Turan from İzmir

Gül Nalıncı Turan, a sociologist in Izmir, used to drive regularly. However, she gave up the habit as the city's parking problem worsened. Now, she avoids driving whenever possible and prefers to walk almost everywhere. She explains:

"A car limits your ability to truly explore the city. That's why I prefer to discover the city on foot," she says. "I feel free when I walk. Most importantly, I do it not only for my own health but also for the health and future of our world. I also think that awareness campaigns such as European Mobility Week are essential in persuading people to switch to sustainable transport."

Yosun Cengiz, an agricultural engineer based in Izmir, used to commute to work in his petrol-driven car. He bought an electric vehicle to minimise his carbon footprint and save money. Later, to reduce the amount of time he spent in traffic, he began to take the metro from time to time - combining the transport modes (mix & move). He says: "I am happy if I can positively contribute to the future of my city and my planet, as well as to my household budget. I believe the EU's efforts to improve the planet's future are significant."


European Mobility Week takes place every year between 16 and 22 September

For the past 20 years, the European Mobility Week (EMW), which takes place every year in September, has encouraged people to rethink and positively change their transport habits in urban environments.

Promoting more accessible, greener, and liveable cities


Ambassador-Designate Thomas Ossowski, the Head of the Delegation of the EU to Türkiye

According to the Head of the Delegation of the EU to Türkiye, Ambassador-Designate Thomas Ossowski, this year's theme, 'Shared Public Spaces',and the motto 'Let's experience the city together!'promote more accessible, greener, and liveable cities. Mr Ossowski states: "It is very gratifying to see the positive contribution made by individuals to sustainable urban mobility in Türkiye. I appreciate the joint initiatives of local authorities, businesses, academic institutions, organisations as well as local communities to promote public transport, encourage walking and cycling, and ensure that shared public spaces are accessible to all. Our aim is for these institutions to regard the EMW not just as a one-week event but as an inspiring and motivating partner in the promotion of sustainable mobility throughout the year."

Safe cycling in İzmir


The İzmir Metropolitan Municipality organised a safe cycling event

Türkiye hosted a series of EMW events this September. In Izmir, a safe cycling event was organised by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality to highlight the importance of cycling as a beneficial mode of transport. Dr. Cemil Tugay, Mayor of the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, Virve Vimpari, Head of the Green Development and Inclusive Growth Section of the EU Delegation to Türkiye, and Onur Emrah Yıldız, Mayor of Çiğli Municipality, participated in the mobility events.


Dr Cemil Tugay, the Mayor of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality

The Closing Event in Istanbul

In Istanbul, Ekrem İmamoğlu, the Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and President of the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye, Sinem Dedetaş, the Mayor of Üsküdar Municipality, and Jurgis Vilčinskas, the Deputy Head of the Delegation of the EU to Türkiye, joined the closing ceremony on 22 September, World Car Free Day.


Ekrem İmamoğlu, the Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and President of the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye

Engaging decision-makers, cities, organisations and individuals

This inspiring European Mobility Week has been organised in Türkiye under the coordination of the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye and with the support of the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye.

Transport is the second-highest polluting sector in Europe, and city managements play big roles and carry huge responsibility in this area. Around 70% of all emissions from the transport sector is emanating from the urban mobility needs. The EU engages with stakeholders in many countries to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Awareness campaigns are part of this cooperation. The European Mobility Week encourages decision-makers, cities, educational institutions, companies, NGOs and individuals to increase sustainable urban mobility.

It is a change that is hard to achieve but can be done.Shared public spaces, where smart transportation methods reduce traffic and pollution, are crucial to social life. They have the power to transform our cities, promoting equity and spurring innovation.

Stories about EU-Türkiye cooperation