NASUWT - The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers

06/05/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/05/2024 07:38

Llangors Church In Wales Primary Teachers shunned by Powys LA

Now in their 13th week of industrial dispute over adverse management, governance and avoidable redundancy through financial mismanagement, members of NASUWT - The Teachers' Union at Llangors Church in Wales Primary School are due to take their 11th day of strike action (Thursday 6th June).

Powys County Council's persistent failure to negotiate with NASUWT continues and the reduction of the teaching workforce is still proceeding, despite the ending of a dismissal process by compulsory redundancy of a member of staff.

The NASUWT believes the loss of teaching posts and the amalgamation of classes will have a negative impact on pupils' education.

The Union has repeatedly urged the LA Education Directorate to negotiate meaningfully with union representatives - to no avail - and NASUWT's communication with Powys elected representatives, all 67 councillors, has been met with a wall of silence.

Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary, said:

"It is wholly unacceptable that the concerns submitted months ago to the LA by the teachers and the NASUWT still remain unexplored and unresolved. In the absence of any negotiation whatsoever teachers are forced yet again to take further strike action to safeguard the future of the school they love."

Neil Butler, NASUWT Cymru National Official said:

"Further strike action is still is not inevitable. If meaningful negotiations can take place, we can call off subsequent proposed dates for industrial action depending on progress."

Helen Johns, NASUWT National Executive Member said:

"To be clear, communication, reasonable compromise and meaningful engagement are the keys to resolving any dispute, including this one. A proper face-to-face meeting between the LA and NASUWT, to negotiate together around the table, should be a norm from the outset, not the impossibility it has proven so far to be.

"Children should not be paying the price of any Council's refusal to engage constructively, which sadly is the case in Powys Local Authority."