State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM

06/28/2024 | Press release | Archived content

In Obninsk was held a meeting of international Alumni of ROSATOM partner universities 'Atom for people, people for Atom'

In Obninsk was held a meeting of international Alumni of ROSATOM partner universities "Atom for people, people for Atom"

  • 28 June, 2024 / 14:54
  • 0
On June 27, 2024, within the framework of the II International Youth Nuclear Forum "Obninsk NEW 2024", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the world's first nuclear power plant, a meeting of international alumni of ROSATOM partner universities "Atom for people, people for Atom" was held.
Over 60 graduates and students from 15 countries took part in the discussion on developing the new project - the International Scientific and Educational Center "Obninsk Tex": Egypt, Bangladesh, Serbia, Czech Republic, Bolivia, India, Peru, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, etc.
During the discussion, the participants discussed the competencies and skills required to build a successful international career in the nuclear field with the nuclear industry leaders who received education in Russia, who spoke about their experience of studying in Russia and their career path.
The participants also discussed the activities of Obninsk Tex, which will be aimed at improving the quality of nuclear education. They noted how this project could be useful and interesting for the Russian universities Alumni themselves. In particular, they noted the need of practical training for international students, holding joint scientific conferences to exchange best practices, access to the most up-to-date laboratory equipment and facilities to educate new future Kurchatovs, opening youth startups based on Obninsk Tex, and the development of professional development and upskilling programs.
In addition, existing challenges were also noted, such as optimizing the visa procedures in Russia for international students and young highly qualified specialists to be able to get employed in Russia after graduation .
Valery Karezin, Director of the Project office for improving the quality of education and international cooperation of ROSATOM, stressed: "The opinion of international graduates is very important for improving the quality of specialist' training and determining the directions for nuclear education development, which the Obninsk Tex project is aimed at.
In conclusion, all participants expressed their interest in maintaining ties with their alma mater and the alumni community, because the nuclear industry is primarily about people.
For reference:
Obninsk is the first "science city" in Russia and a large scientific and technical cluster, being a home to the world's first nuclear power plant, started up on June 26, 1954, A. I. Leipunsky Institute of Physics and Energy, Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy (a branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) and a number of other notable research centers. The city also features the main campus of Rosatom Technical Academy, a modern multidisciplinary training center for nuclear personnel.
The world's first nuclear power plant (Obninsk NPP) saw the era of peaceful use of atomic energy. The plant's reactor unit operated efficiently and safely for 48 years. On April 29, 2002, the reactor was shut down and preparations began to decommission it. In September 2002, the last fuel assembly was unloaded from the reactor. The First NPP became the basis for the industry memorial complex opened in 2009. The complex receives more than 4 thousand people a year (schoolchildren, students, specialists from various countries, as well as everybody interested in nuclear energy).
International Youth Nuclear Forum Obninsk NEW is an educational event for students, graduate students, young scientists and atomists. The Forum is focused on future nuclear technologies, including new materials and energy systems. The Forum brought together about 500 experts, young scientists and specialists from more than 70 countries in 2023. The participants discussed the global challenges facing the industry on the road to a future based on the sustainable development, talked about prospects for the nuclear and related sciences and a new system for industry specialists training and career management.
The International Scientific and Educational Center for Nuclear and Related Technologies 'Obninsk Tech' is a technological hub that is being created in the Kaluga region on the initiative of Rosatom, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. The Center's mission is to help train personnel for the nuclear energy industry in Russia and friendly countries by combined efforts of higher education, leading scientific organizations and companies of the industry. For this purpose, they use the infrastructure of MEPhI University Obninsk branch and Rosatom Technical Academy with 20 Rosatom partner universities participating in the project. The Center is expected to become a base for the development of modern educational technologies, an exposition of high-tech products of Russian companies, a platform for congresses, exhibitions, international schools, etc.
