Delegation of the European Union to the United Republic of Tanzania and the East African Community

07/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/23/2024 08:08

EU General Statement – 4th International Conference on Financing for Development: 1st PrepCom Session

22 July 2024, Addis Ababa - General Statement by the European Union and its Member States delivered by Mr Antti Karhunen, Director, Sustainable Finance, Investment and Jobs; Economy that works for the People, at the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development: 1st PrepCom Session (22-26 July 2024)

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Ministers, Excellencies, dear colleagues

I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.

I would like to start by thanking the bureau and various facilitation teams, the UN secretariat and the organizers of this meeting. In particular, I would like to thank representatives of our host country, Ethiopia, for the excellent arrangements for this meeting and for their generous hospitality.

Excellencies, we are gathered here in Addis Ababa to take stock of what has been achieved, in particular since the 3rd International Conference that took place right here in Addis Ababa. And to start a robust process aiming for an ambitious outcome at the 4th Conference in 2025. I won't reiterate the magnitude of the challenge: we have a major gap to fill in financing and implementing the SDGs by 2030. The commitments and efforts of all stakeholders will be needed.

On behalf of the EU and its MS, I would like underline three key points: one on process, one on priorities and the last on the general approach and vision of the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development and its outcomes.

First, on process. Let me stress from the outset, that the nature and quality of the process will define the nature and quality of the outcome. It needs to be inclusive, open and transparent. All stakeholders public, private, local, national, regional and international, including - and especially - civil society, must be able to participate fully and meaningfully in the process.

On behalf of the EU and its MS, we commit to communicate proactively and in full transparency on our objectives and perspectives in this process. We invite all UN members to apply the same approach.

Second, on priorities: On substance, we look forward to a comprehensive and robust outcome that addresses all important elements central to financing sustainable development. All sources, private and public, domestic and international as well as, where appropriate, further non-financial means of implementation will need to be fully mobilised. We must also ensure that the outcome reflects the fundamental principles of the UN charter, including respect for human rights and gender equality.

The Conference will provide much needed follow up to the political commitment of leaders undertaken in the Pact for the Future. We must focus on the core issues and main challenges, on solutions that can meaningfully move the needle. We must prioritise the objective of addressing inequalities, their causes and their underlying social determinants, across the poverty and green agendas, reducing inequalitiesamong and within countries, leaving no one behind and addressing the needs of those furthest behind first. Preserving our planet, must be at the very core of our efforts. We need to rethink how we do things today, for example: how can we modernise the use of ODA to become a multiplier to catalyse other sources of public and private financing and ensure debt sustainability.

Last but not least, on the approach in general: the EU envisages that the Conference will adopt a robust, comprehensive and action-orientated consensus outcome in line with the principles and spirit of Monterrey and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. We will need to recognize that there are different approaches, visions, models, and tools available to each country. Regional and national circumstances, needs and priorities to achieve sustainable development will vary.

Ladies and gentlemen, the global system is complex and interconnected, so we will have much to work through. There will no doubt be intense discussions in the year to come on individual issues and topics. And many voices and perspectives to crystallize into an outcome that all can support.

We call for this Preparatory Committee outcome to reflect that there is, today, a shared purpose and objective to this process that we all subscribe to. That there are roles and responsibilities for all, and that these will be recognised, acknowledged and enhanced in this process and its outcome. There is no doubt that there will be competing narratives around this Conference, and politically polarising issues will be hard to avoid. Nevertheless, the EU and its MS propose to recall, today and again at every juncture ahead, our joint commitment to this process and to the shared objective: a meaningful and balanced consensus outcome to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Ministers, Excellencies, I would like to close by underlining that the EU and its Member States will engage proactively and positively and look forward to fruitful engagement throughout the process.