CSO - Central Statistics Office Ireland

11/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/09/2024 17:01

Forest Wood Removals 2023

Value of roundwood removals decreased by 16% in 2023

Online ISSN: 2737-792X
CSO statistical publication, 11 September 2024, 11am

Key Findings

  • The total value of roundwood removals was €214 million in 2023, a 16% decrease from €253 million in 2022 and a 6% decrease from €227 million in 2021 (See Table 1A).

  • Roundwood removals increased by 1.5% from 4.19 million cubic metres in 2022 to 4.25 million cubic metres in 2023 and decreased by 2% from 4.33 million cubic metres in 2021 (See Table 3A).

  • Removals from privately-owned forests were 1.8 million cubic metres in 2023 (See Table 1E).

  • In 2023, removals from public forests comprised 58% of the total removals volume (See Table 1D).

  • Coniferous roundwood accounted for over 99% of removals in 2023 (See Table 1B).

  • Large sawlog accounted for the highest proportion of roundwood removals volume at 38% in 2023, followed by pulpwood (27%) and small sawlog (25%) (See Table 3A).

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (11 September 2024) published Forest Wood Removals 2023.

Commenting on the release Niamh Shanahan, Statistician in the Environment Division, said: "In 2023 the volume of roundwood removals was 4.25 million cubic metres (See Table 1A). This was an increase of 1.5% compared with the 2022 roundwood removals of 4.19 million cubic metres. Removals from privately-owned forests decreased by 1% compared with 2022, while removals from publicly-owned forests increased by 3%. Coniferous roundwood accounted for 99% of removals in 2023 (See Table 1B).

Removals from publicly-owned forests made up 58% of the 2023 roundwood removals volume (2.4 million cubic metres) with the remainder coming from privately-owned forests (See Figure 1, Tables 1D, and 1E).

The total value of removals in 2023 was €214 million which was a 16% decrease from the total value in 2022 and a 6% decrease from the total value in 2021 (See Table 1A). In contrast roundwood removals volume was 1.5% higher in 2023 compared with 2022, and 2% lower in 2023 compared with 2021.

Large sawlog accounted for the highest proportion of roundwood removals volume at 38% in 2023, followed by pulpwood (27%), and small sawlog (25%) (See Figure 2 and Table 3A). In 2022, large sawlog contributed to 38% of roundwood removals with pulpwood at 27% and small sawlog at 26%. These three products contributed to around 90% of annual roundwood removals volume."

Editor's Note

In the publicly-owned forest category, only removals of publicly-owned trees are included. See Background Notes for product definitions.

Note: A link to the survey questionnaire is available in the Background Notes.

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart context menuSource: CSO Ireland201520162017201820192020202120222023Highcharts.comFigure 1: Roundwood Removals 2015-2023
Total Removals
Removals from publicly-owned forests
Removals from privately-owned forests
million cubic metres
Total Removals Removals from publicly-owned forests Removals from privately-owned forests
2015 3.312 2.235 1.077
2016 3.445 2.59 0.856
2017 3.698 2.592 1.106
2018 3.834 2.529 1.305
2019 4.007 2.72 1.288
2020 3.914 2.336 1.578
2021 4.333 2.235 2.098
2022 4.186 2.375 1.811
2023 4.248 2.447 1.801
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart context menuSource: CSO IrelandLarge sawlogSmall sawlogStakewoodPulpwoodFuelwoodRoundwood for use as biomassHighcharts.comFigure 2: Roundwood Removals by Product 2023
thousand cubic metres
Large sawlog 1626
Small sawlog 1055
Stakewood 149
Pulpwood 1152
Fuelwood 204
Roundwood for use as biomass 61
Table 1A Total Removals 2023
Table 1A Total Removals 2023
Year '000 tonnes '000 cubic metres € million
2015 3,000 3,312 147.6
2016 3,132 3,445 151.4
2017 3,358 3,698 165.8
2018 3,482 3,834 184.5
2019 3,647 4,007 175.2
2020 3,463 3,914 168.2
2021 3,825 4,333 226.9
2022 3,729 4,186 253.2
2023 3,761 4,248 213.5

Table 1B Coniferous Removals 2023
Table 1B Coniferous Removals 2023
Year '000 tonnes '000 cubic metres € million
2015 2,994 3,306 147.3
2016 3,124 3,437 150.9
2017 3,344 3,682 164.9
2018 3,467 3,819 183.8
2019 3,637 3,995 174.7
2020 3,442 3,890 167.4
2021 3,801 4,307 225.8
2022 3,702 4,159 252.2
2023 3,738 4,225 213.2

Table 1C Non-coniferous Removals 2023
Table 1C Non-coniferous Removals 2023
Year '000 tonnes '000 cubic metres € million
2015 6 6 0.3
2016 8 9 0.4
2017 14 16 0.9
2018 15 15 0.7
2019 11 12 0.5
2020 21 23 0.7
2021 24 26 1.1
2022 27 28 1.0
2023 22 23 0.3

Table 1D Removals from Publicly-owned Forests 2023
Table 1D Removals from Publicly-owned Forests 2023
Year '000 tonnes '000 cubic metres
2015 2,032 2,235
2016 2,354 2,590
2017 2,356 2,592
2018 2,299 2,529
2019 2,471 2,720
2020 2,033 2,336
2021 1,943 2,235
2022 2,065 2,375
2023 2,127 2,447

Table 1E Removals from Privately-owned Forests 2023
Table 1E Removals from Privately-owned Forests 2023
Year '000 tonnes '000 cubic metres
2015 968 1,077
2016 778 856
2017 1,002 1,106
2018 1,183 1,305
2019 1,176 1,288
2020 1,430 1,578
2021 1,882 2,098
2022 1,664 1,811
2023 1,634 1,801

Table 2A Total Removals by Product 2023 ('000 tonnes)
Table 2A Total Removals by Product 2023 ('000 tonnes)
'000 tonnes
Product 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Large sawlog 913 989 1,092 1,151 1,130 1,308 1,538 1,386 1,423
Small sawlog 903 969 1,053 1,023 1,022 865 990 963 930
Stakewood 108 114 124 116 133 129 115 121 130
Pulpwood 923 858 925 1,006 1,092 901 959 987 1,011
Fuelwood 94 83 91 102 102 198 183 188 179
Roundwood for use as biomass 53 112 65 71 156 48 29 44 54
Woodchip 6 6 8 12 14 14 10 39 33
Short rotation coppice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other woody material 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
Total 3,000 3,132 3,358 3,482 3,647 3,463 3,825 3,729 3,761

Table 2B Coniferous Removals by Product 2023 ('000 tonnes)
Table 2B Coniferous Removals by Product 2023 ('000 tonnes)
'000 tonnes
Product 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Coniferous large sawlog 913 989 1,092 1,151 1,130 1,305 1,535 1,384 1,422
Coniferous small sawlog 902 968 1,052 1,020 1,020 861 986 958 929
Coniferous stakewood 108 114 124 116 133 129 114 119 130
Coniferous pulpwood 923 858 925 1,006 1,092 897 955 983 1,007
Coniferous fuelwood 89 76 78 90 93 189 174 176 164
Coniferous roundwood for use as biomass 53 112 65 71 156 47 28 44 53
Coniferous woodchip 6 6 8 12 14 14 10 37 31
Coniferous short rotation coppice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coniferous other woody material 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
Total 2,994 3,124 3,344 3,467 3,637 3,442 3,801 3,702 3,738

Table 2C Non-coniferous Removals by Product 2023 ('000 tonnes)
Table 2C Non-coniferous Removals by Product 2023 ('000 tonnes)
'000 tonnes
Product 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Non-coniferous large sawlog 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 0
Non-coniferous small sawlog 1 1 1 3 2 4 5 6 0
Non-coniferous stakewood 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0
Non-coniferous pulpwood 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4
Non-coniferous fuelwood 5 7 13 12 8 9 9 12 15
Non-coniferous roundwood for use as biomass 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
Non-coniferous woodchip 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2
Non-coniferous short rotation coppice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-coniferous other woody material 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 6 8 14 15 11 21 24 27 22

Table 2D Publicly-owned Forests Removals by Product 2023 ('000 tonnes)
Table 2D Publicly-owned Forests Removals by Product 2023 ('000 tonnes)
'000 tonnes
Product 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Large sawlog 633 796 787 751 820 821 788 892 879
Small sawlog 584 697 733 633 662 433 423 422 412
Stakewood 50 56 52 43 49 40 28 31 47
Pulpwood 658 655 680 752 755 566 559 561 634
Fuelwood 70 60 61 66 69 153 127 131 128
Roundwood for use as biomass 37 90 43 54 116 20 18 28 27
Woodchip 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Short rotation coppice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other woody material 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2,032 2,354 2,356 2,299 2,471 2,033 1,943 2,065 2,127

Table 2E Privately-owned Forests Removals by Product 2023 ('000 tonnes)
Table 2E Privately-owned Forests Removals by Product 2023 ('000 tonnes)
'000 tonnes
Product 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Large sawlog 280 193 305 400 310 487 750 494 544
Small sawlog 319 272 320 390 360 432 567 541 518
Stakewood 58 58 72 73 84 89 87 90 83
Pulpwood 265 203 245 254 337 335 400 426 377
Fuelwood 24 23 30 36 33 45 56 56 51
Roundwood for use as biomass 16 22 22 17 40 28 11 16 27
Woodchip 6 6 8 12 14 14 10 39 33
Short rotation coppice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other woody material 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
Total 968 778 1,002 1,183 1,176 1,430 1,882 1,664 1,634

Table 3A Roundwood Total Removals by Product 2023 ('000 cubic metres)
Table 3A Roundwood Total Removals by Product 2023 ('000 cubic metres)
'000 cubic metres
Product 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Large sawlog 1,016 1,092 1,210 1,276 1,249 1,495 1,749 1,583 1,626
Small sawlog 1,000 1,069 1,163 1,131 1,128 979 1,120 1,089 1,055
Stakewood 119 126 136 128 146 144 129 134 149
Pulpwood 1,015 944 1,018 1,108 1,200 1,018 1,094 1,118 1,152
Fuelwood 103 91 100 112 112 226 209 213 204
Roundwood for use as biomass 58 124 70 79 172 51 33 49 61
Total 3,312 3,445 3,698 3,834 4,007 3,914 4,333 4,186 4,248

Table 3B Roundwood Coniferous Removals by Product 2023 ('000 cubic metres)
Table 3B Roundwood Coniferous Removals by Product 2023 ('000 cubic metres)
'000 cubic metres
Product 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Coniferous large sawlog 1016 1092 1210 1276 1249 1492 1745 1581 1626
Coniferous small sawlog 1000 1068 1162 1129 1126 975 1115 1083 1055
Coniferous stakewood 119 126 136 128 146 144 128 132 149
Coniferous pulpwood 1015 943 1018 1108 1200 1014 1089 1114 1148
Coniferous fuelwood 98 83 85 99 103 216 199 200 187
Coniferous roundwood for use as biomass 58 124 70 79 172 50 32 49 60
Total 3,306 3,437 3,682 3,819 3,995 3,890 4,307 4,159 4,225

Table 3C Roundwood Non-coniferous Removals by Product 2023 ('000 cubic metres)
Table 3C Roundwood Non-coniferous Removals by Product 2023 ('000 cubic metres)
'000 cubic metres
Product 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Non-coniferous large sawlog 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 2 0
Non-coniferous small sawlog 1 1 1 3 2 4 5 6 0
Non-coniferous stakewood 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0
Non-coniferous pulpwood 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 4 4
Non-coniferous fuelwood 5 8 14 13 9 11 10 13 17
Non-coniferous roundwood for use as biomass 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
Total 6 9 16 15 12 23 26 28 23

Table 3D Roundwood Publicly-owned Forests Removals by Product 2023 ('000 cubic metres)
Table 3D Roundwood Publicly-owned Forests Removals by Product 2023 ('000 cubic metres)
'000 cubic metres
Product 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Large sawlog 696 876 866 826 902 945 907 1026 1011
Small sawlog 643 767 807 696 728 497 487 485 474
Stakewood 55 62 57 47 54 46 32 36 55
Pulpwood 723 720 748 828 831 651 643 645 729
Fuelwood 77 66 67 72 77 177 146 151 147
Roundwood for use as biomass 41 99 47 60 128 20 21 32 31
Total 2,235 2,590 2,592 2,529 2,720 2,336 2,235 2,375 2,447

Table 3E Roundwood Privately-owned Forests Removals by Product 2023 ('000 cubic metres)
Table 3E Roundwood Privately-owned Forests Removals by Product 2023 ('000 cubic metres)
'000 cubic metres
Product 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Large sawlog 320 216 344 450 347 550 842 557 615
Small sawlog 357 302 356 435 400 482 633 604 581
Stakewood 64 64 79 81 92 98 96 98 94
Pulpwood 292 224 270 280 369 367 451 473 423
Fuelwood 26 25 33 40 36 50 63 63 57
Roundwood for use as biomass 17 25 23 19 44 31 12 17 30
Total 1,077 856 1,106 1,305 1,288 1,578 2,098 1,811 1,801