CSG Systems International Inc.

29/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 29/07/2024 23:37

How Understanding the Employee Life Cycles Can Improve CX

To appreciate how the employee life cycle impacts your business's CX, you'll need to understand what's involved in each phase.

Learn more about the main stages of the employee life cycle below.

1. Attract

The first phase in the employee life cycle begins when a prospect discovers your business and gets to know your company, mission and values. You can attract new talent through various channels, including:

  • Social media
  • Job boards
  • Networking events
  • Job fairs

If your brand's messaging aligns and resonates with an individual, that person may consider applying for an open position. To attract top talent in your industry, your job descriptions should be clear and attractive and should highlight your business's unique selling points.

2. Recruit

Recruitment refers to the process of hiring the best candidates for your business's job openings. It involves the following tasks and responsibilities:

  • Reviewing resumes and cover letters
  • Conducting interviews
  • Assessing candidate qualifications and skills

During this phase, clear communication and good organization are paramount. If your business's recruitment efforts are inefficient, you may miss out on great hires who could have made wonderful contributions to your operation. A well-executed recruitment strategy is key to enticing and securing top talent.

3. Onboard

The next stage in the employee life cycle is onboarding, where a new employee is integrated into your organization. Your business will share the following information with new hires:

  • Job duties
  • Daily responsibilities
  • Code of conduct

The objective of onboarding is to help new employees blend in with your corporate culture and truly become part of the team. One way to do this is to identify and communicate your company's core values, such as the importance of offering quality CX.

Fresh hires need to understand how they fit into your organization. Effective onboarding sets the stage for a positive employee experience.

4. Develop

Once employees complete the onboarding process, they enter the development stage. During this time, they expand their knowledge and sharpen their skills to optimize their contributions to your business.

Development plays an important role in job satisfaction, so tailoring these plans to suit the unique needs of both your company and your team can be very beneficial for worker retention efforts.

Your company can improve employee experiences and demonstrate your commitment to your workforce by providing ongoing training opportunities that support career advancement.

5. Retain

Retention is the next phase of the employee experience life cycle. The work is not over once your team members get comfortable with their job functions. Now, your business must take steps to keep employees happy and engaged.

Building a healthy company culture that emphasizes respect, collaboration and efficiency will help your workers feel more satisfied in their roles. One of the best ways to support higher employee retention rates is to empower your workers to strike a sustainable work/life balance.

6. Offboard

Offboarding refers to the process of transitioning employees out of your organization when they leave their roles. A respectful and professional approach to this stage is essential to ensure your workers have the best possible experience working for your company during their final days and beyond.

You can use the offboarding phase to gather valuable feedback about your operations through exit interviews and surveys.

7. Advocate

The final stage of the employee life cycle is advocacy. Ideally, this phase involves your current and former employees championing your business and its mission. They can advocate for your brand, which contributes to a positive company reputation and encourages other great talent to apply for your open job positions, bringing the life cycle full circle.